
My little cousin's been crying all day because one of her friends from high school was in a car with five other drunk teenagers that crashed and burned.  All are dead.  I tried to console her, there, there and tapped her head several times:  What's that coming out of your eyes?

They were 18.  So I guess they were adults.

That was pretty good.  You! You sly dog, you!

She actually wasn't that smart.  She was kind of deformed and retarted.  She had cobweb toes, she was missing a kneecap, her left breast was lopsided, and one of her eyes would always turn into Pong every time she would try to think of a lie to cover up something she let slip.

And she would cut her own hair.

That was really stupid of me about the 32 teeth remark.  What else are they going to do?  They're lucky they even have a TV.  I feel ashamed for writing that, even for thinking that.

Not every one's daughter can go into the city after school to get fucked by Juan Carlos.
My grandpa plays backgammon in my dreams.
By now, he's smoking and playing in heaven, too.

random thoughts

Should a guy like me drink?  I mean, a real...a real...a real studmuffin!

Look, the Operations Director of a Fortune 500 company does not get drunk.  Do you want the Donald to see?

Woman, you need to realize that your Man is sober now.  You need to drop what your doing, quit your job or your studies, tell him or hims and her to fuck off, and, I dunno...bring me a chicken dinner.

Smooth move, Double 0 Negative.

-Should we drink?
-I don't know.
-Maybe it's a futile effort.
-Maybe it's all a futile effort.
-So should we drink?

I had one nightmare, one funny dream, and one kind of sexy/clumsy dream.

I'll tell you about the funny one:

You know that nerdy kid from Freaks and Geeks?  The short, Jewish one with curly hair.  So I'm walking past an apartment building, and there's this white metal ladder in a cage attached to the side of the building--one of those straight ladders that leads to the roof, but is always locked and is too high to reach.  Underneath it, there's a little faucet in the grass behind a couple bushes.  So I reach down into the bushes and turn the knob, and this violent wave of water comes rumbling down from inside the...ladder hole, I guess.  I stand back, and the water crashes into this old, black compact sedan parked on the street.  The eruption is relentless on the worn vehicle, and I just go around it and continue on the sidewalk, passing three male figures walking in the direction of the sedan.  

I approach a multistoried parking structure, much like one you'll find on college campuses and hospitals, with a lot of stairwells, exits, and doors that are locked from the outside.  Then I hear voices calling from where I had just been and I turn around to see that nerdy kid by the car, signaling me to come back.  I deduce from his gestures that that was his vehicle and that there will be legal and financial ramifications.  I turn back around, somewhat hastily, and try to find some way into the parking structure while I hear him communicating with the security guard.  I climb up a fence and over a rail guard unto the base of the stairs leading to the parking structure.  I try one door that won't open, then I run up the stairs to the second floor while some girl with a backpack is exiting through the door and push her out of the way to get in and run up the hill to the third level.  I turn my head back and the nerdy kid is trotting up to the stairs to the second floor; in front of me at the top of the hill, the Security Guard is speaking into his walkie-talkie and squating down, somewhat like a wrestler.  I bear right and reach a door.  While I open it, I turn back and see his nerdy face approaching like an enraged goat, so I jump over a rail guard and land at the base of the steps--but that exit door won't open.  I run back up the stairs to the second floor and push the nerdy kid out of the way as he opens that door, and run back into the parking lot.

-Maybe I should give up smoking.

-Hey!  Hey...take it easy
   (aside) Someone get this guy a drink.
Maybe I could go for a run.  I'm too bloated.  I ordered a Reuben from this Jewish deli.

I asked for pastrami; they gave me corned beef.  It's all a part of the conspiracy.
I'm not going to watch the rest of Battle for Hiditha.  I know the rest will have a negative effect on me.  Some times, there are certain things that you just shouldn't see.  Wish I learned that earlier.

And let me tell you something, Life.  You don't want me to sleep?  Fine.  So be it.  But you're not going to break my spirit.

Nick Bloomfield, though--gotta give it to him.  Knows how to stir things up.
Good Night, Piece of Shit Life.
Maybe I can get some decent sleep tonight.

Am I allowed to drink NyQuil?  That's a negative.  
But it's not NyQuil; it's Waldendorf's Nighttime Cold and Flu Relief.
Negative.  I shall not.

I'm not going to let other people unknowingly influence me.  If I do it, it's going to be knowingly.

I gotta get some new clothes.  I've been wearing the same two jeans and four shirts for the last two years.  One pair a week, baby.
Good Morning, Life!
Good Morning, Breakfast Burrito! 
Her whole life has been to make him happy.  She has no opinion.  That's what he turned her into.
I gotta do more.  I can't live like this.  One day I'll wake up and slam my head into the mirror.
One thing I've had to do today is check myself each time I start feeling bitter or resentful. I usually eat, and at end, I'm too drowsy to care.  That's probably not an effective method, in the long-run.  I made someone crack up today, and that helped.
took private lessons from a tutor
on how to make art
like an Aristocrat
who had no  ____



Gossip, slaughter
sheep and pigs,
worry about how much
money your neighbor
made last week,
selling flowers
to a woman,
who'll never equal
your mother.

You ring around
if your in laws don't fight
then everything is rosy.
You tell your wife
to go and make coffee -
there's more to life
than 32 teeth.

There's more to life
than 32 teeth.

# 2

Pomegranates and mulberry trees -
the same shit I said last week -
I don't give a fig
about apricot jam.

The Persians fuck our girls,
mainly in March.
Fuck the Persians.
Stone the girls.

When they're ripe
and the time is right,
if besmirched,
then their skin is good.
If they're clean,
they look sickly.
They are, our wives to be.

You do not steal from Chad Newbrunswick!

...I don't care if it's $14!
Gotta keep it up.  Although if I get in a fight with someone today I'll probably eat his face.  Stick my hand down his throat and rip out his esophagus.  Chew on his ankle.
my brain is still wobbly i can sense it when i try to sleep
Somewhere from one breath to the other
I get hot and cold
I awoke and saw a stalking shadow.
I screamed for a moment and sat up quickly:
I didn't know what it was.
My dog climbed my bed (was trying to climb up my bed)
 and sat curled up shaking--
Ah Sorry, baby, I almost kicked you in the face
fuck me I just had a nightmare!  Where did that come from?  Fuckin Uday Hussein!
a couple nights of cold turkey detox.  way better now.  sleep is good.  last night everytime i would shut my eyes a film-reel would be going through my head, so i couldn't keep my eyes closed.  that was ungood

Here, baby, get on my rocketship

...WWIII is coming

You don't steal from Chad NewBrunswick!

- You know what this is?  It's $100.  You got anything to say for yourself?
- I got a sick grandmother.
- I don't care if you got a sick great-grandmother: You don't steal from Chad NewBrunswick!
- It won't happen again.
- I don't care if it's $20
- Yes, sir.
- I don't care if it's $19
- Yes, sir.
-I don't care if it's $18
- Yes--
-No, listen.. I don't care if it's $17 
- It won't happen again.
-I don't care if it's 16 dammit: You don't steal from Chad NewBrunswick!  Consider this your one and only warning.
- Ok.
- I don't care if it's $15!
- (barkeep) You kinda have to take his battery out.  He does this every night.
-Hello!  Who is this!
-Umm,  It's ____.  Do you remember me?
-Yea I didn't--
-No hold on... I dropped my Big Mac when I found a marble stone in the ground--now I'm fighting with a possum, a squirrel, a couple cats, and my fuckin dogs.  It's a battle royale.    Babe, call me back.  Also, I love you.

images of beauty

-I want you in life.  Hey!--don't slap me.
-No, you don't slap me.
-Did you just slap me?
-It fell.
-Your arm just fell on me?
-I have to go now.  My planet needs me.

MTWTFS- Sunday, I'd have to take a break, it's the Lord's day

-Gross!  You poppin your pimples, again?
-My brain's huge.  It's trying to escape.

Ah, Dammit! I'm in jail, again.

Hey, you guys got Wi-fi?  I gotta check my blog.

That's a good argument in court

Your Honor, important Jesuits of the Court, these are pages of my writing.

Have I been known to wet my whistle a little bit?  Sure.  But upon your reading, you will find that I'm a vessel, a sexy vessel--I have to create art!  I do not deserve to be thrown in with the gangs.

I have never touched anyone--I've gotten beat up a few times--but I have never wished ill-will on anyone.


it's all bullshit, but it sounds good
I stopped killing flies.
I guess I'm proud.
Maybe I'll kill this one.
The Fuckinator

the thin red line

"Why should I be afraid to die?
I belong to you.
If I go first, I'll wait for you."

The Springfield Files

"This is a simple lie detector test.  I'll ask you a couple questions and you answer truthfully.  Do you understand?
-(Homer) Yes.
-(lie detector blows up)


Another day.
Just breathe.
I hope I get roofied one night.  Wake up next to a gorgeous woman.
-I forgive you!
- You look good.
-I'm married.
- You still look good.
- Thank you.  I appreciate the compliment, considering I just had a baby.  Come inside.
- I don't know if I'm healthy enough for sexual activity.
- We have to sign the papers, dufus.


-Will you love me?
-I don't know.  Let me see your tits.
-(she shows him)
-(nods quietly) Come on in.

-Freeze!  FBI.  You're under arrest on the charge of Child Pornography.
-What?  Are you kidding me?  I've never even thought about child pornography.
-Yea, you can say alot of that where you're going--to jail!

Hello, Alcoholism

Hello, Alcoholism.
Barev dzez Barez dzez
Sure!  Fuck my wife.
Let me get some  eggs started
while you're doing that
I don't even have any mouthwash...I got some Chanel No. 5

slim charles

-Who we hittin?
-Goes by the name, "Mickey Rooky."
-What happened, he fuck up the count?
-No, worse.  He beat our boy in chess.  Guy's really sensitive about that shit.

My bad

I was playing chess online turn-based with this guy, there was no way he could win--sonuvabitch checkmated me.!  Chess is a language.  I prolly just overlooked one move--but it's just fuckin amazing.

Cocksucker lowered my rating.  I'm going to put a hit out on him.
I shouldn't have tipped that bitch so much.  She didn't look at me the whole time I was there.  Not one glimmer of hope. Maybe I can call corporate. Get a dollar back.
Love your dogs.  They're not going to survive without you.

What have I learned from life?

Yea, don't do meth.
flat line, I beg you!
thers a ringing in my ear.  it usually goes away.
it hasn't gone away today
Double shot of Jack, straight up, diet coke back.  I was sweating balls.  1/3 into it, i finally sat down.
i'm getting pretty depressed
i want to stick my face into that fan
Next time I see her, I'm going to sit next to her
and say I'm in love with you.

Then I'm going sniff her hair.
I hope she doesn't call the cops.

Mr. Plow

why brush your teeth
why clip your toenails

that's really low--
Not as low as my prices!
For months, I had a dull, dull, slight pang on my left side.
Then once I found out my liver was on my right side,
I got a dull, dull, slight pang on my right side.
No one's called me today.
It's my birthday.
I'm not making enough to support my raging alcoholism.  But I do what I can, you know?  It's not easy.  Rob an orphanage here and there. 
I can't believe people are playing football, basketball, doing stunts for movies, rescuing someone out of a burning car while I'm sitting here getting drunk.

Ah jeez! There's always a line

finger on the button

where am I?
What happened last night?
Where are my false teeth?
-It's the Big One!  Get the children.  Call the fire department.
-We don't have any children.  Go back to sleep, baby--you farted in your sleep again.
-It says here, you're not supposed to be drinking.
-No, baby, I'm not supposed to be drinking and driving.  It's the law.
-Why are you in pajamas?
-Because it's faster that way.
-So you're not driving?
-No, now I'm utterly consumed by avoiding cars at all cost.
-Good motto.
-I avoid them like the plague; I avoid them like geniuses--or genusi (points to his brain) avoid cliches; I avoid them like America avoids Soccer.
-Let's have sex.  I'll make you pancakes.
I think I'm in love.  She looked at me.

"You smiled, don't deny it!"

I wonder if I'll ever see her again.
Tonight tastes good today.
No one! No one ever hears my flaming words.
-  Well, Brotha: you said it.
- Hey!  Hey, get back here!
- No, man.  You said it, I'm telling the whole class!  I'm telling Ms. Johnson; I'm telling Mrs. Knorp.
-Why don't you tell Mrs. Knoop how your mom payed me back that $20 you owed me?
-Ah, man: she heard it here, first.  I'm going to let her know!  You're flaming, baby!

The Bunk

"Oh yea, God made that."

Maybe I'll start sporting a wedding ring

- Yea, I'm domesticated...why, who's asking?

3 Gangsters making their scene

-Ok, that's them.  There's a couple by the steps, and the rest of them right there.  That's Juice, right there.  The way this has to go, I'll step to Juice, you guys get a good view on all of them.  I'll announce myself all chill till Juice inevitably drops it, and I catch him.
-Inevitably?  What's that?
-It's like doom.
-(the weak link) Yea,  if he doesn't know what's goin on.
-Once I catch him, I'll have it cold on his temple, and you guys make sure sure you have the others monitored--you know, Supervise that shit.   Check the steps, be on all of them before they catch a whiff of something cute.  Once Juice starts making sense, I'll lower the piece, but you guys stay in commando, till we're out--nice and clean.  We'll shake hands.
-Fresh N' Easy