There was and there wasn't...

- Lay back, child, and I will tell you a story.
- Can I tell the story, too?
- Okay, sure.  I'll start, and you continue with whatever thoughts pop up in your mind.  That way we can create our own story-tale!  But only until you get sleepy, and then we can continue it tomorrow.
- Yea!
- So there was and there wasn't a little girl, who dreamed of
- Having a pony!
- She loved to visit her Uncle's ranch and watch the horses training.
- And the horsies go dg-lin dg-lin dg-lin dg-lin!
- She watched the horses from afar, always being careful.  After a while, with her Uncle's supervision, she fed the horses...
- Honey nut cherrios!  Because they are super sweet.
- Not as sweet as you. But horses are herbivores.  That means they eat hay, oats, and grains.  Sugar would give them a stomach ache.  So as the little girl grew older, she started learning to look after the horses, and she even picked out her favorite one.  And what did she name it?
- Hannah Montana.
- Or just Hannah.
- No!  Hannah Montana. 
- Okay, Hannah Montana.  After she finished her homework, she would  run to the ranch to visit her new friend, and Hannah Montana would remember her and she would lower her muzzle--
- What's a muzzle?
- It's her huge nose and mouth.  So Hannah Montana would--
- Because I heard Uncle Tom say to Mrs. Tom the horse would get the muzzle if she didn't place on Sunday--Mommy, What's a deadbeat?
- Let's finish our story, so we can start a new one tomorrow night.
- When do I get to ride Hannah Montana?
- Knowing your uncle...Baby, Mommy's tired, and you have a big day tomorrow.  Let's put you to sleep. (lowers her voice) And tomorrow we'll find you another hobby.

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