random thoughts

Should a guy like me drink?  I mean, a real...a real...a real studmuffin!

Look, the Operations Director of a Fortune 500 company does not get drunk.  Do you want the Donald to see?

Woman, you need to realize that your Man is sober now.  You need to drop what your doing, quit your job or your studies, tell him or hims and her to fuck off, and, I dunno...bring me a chicken dinner.

Smooth move, Double 0 Negative.

-Should we drink?
-I don't know.
-Maybe it's a futile effort.
-Maybe it's all a futile effort.
-So should we drink?

I had one nightmare, one funny dream, and one kind of sexy/clumsy dream.

I'll tell you about the funny one:

You know that nerdy kid from Freaks and Geeks?  The short, Jewish one with curly hair.  So I'm walking past an apartment building, and there's this white metal ladder in a cage attached to the side of the building--one of those straight ladders that leads to the roof, but is always locked and is too high to reach.  Underneath it, there's a little faucet in the grass behind a couple bushes.  So I reach down into the bushes and turn the knob, and this violent wave of water comes rumbling down from inside the...ladder hole, I guess.  I stand back, and the water crashes into this old, black compact sedan parked on the street.  The eruption is relentless on the worn vehicle, and I just go around it and continue on the sidewalk, passing three male figures walking in the direction of the sedan.  

I approach a multistoried parking structure, much like one you'll find on college campuses and hospitals, with a lot of stairwells, exits, and doors that are locked from the outside.  Then I hear voices calling from where I had just been and I turn around to see that nerdy kid by the car, signaling me to come back.  I deduce from his gestures that that was his vehicle and that there will be legal and financial ramifications.  I turn back around, somewhat hastily, and try to find some way into the parking structure while I hear him communicating with the security guard.  I climb up a fence and over a rail guard unto the base of the stairs leading to the parking structure.  I try one door that won't open, then I run up the stairs to the second floor while some girl with a backpack is exiting through the door and push her out of the way to get in and run up the hill to the third level.  I turn my head back and the nerdy kid is trotting up to the stairs to the second floor; in front of me at the top of the hill, the Security Guard is speaking into his walkie-talkie and squating down, somewhat like a wrestler.  I bear right and reach a door.  While I open it, I turn back and see his nerdy face approaching like an enraged goat, so I jump over a rail guard and land at the base of the steps--but that exit door won't open.  I run back up the stairs to the second floor and push the nerdy kid out of the way as he opens that door, and run back into the parking lot.

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