I just fuckin' beat you again!

- See you tomorrow.

EatKhash's Halloween decorations

Materials needed

- some blank white paper
- a sharpie
- tape

"Dick Cheney!"
sometimes when i want to buy a bottled water, i pay extra for the Fiji water, just cause the bottle and design is so damn cool.  And then I make myself think it tastes better than 7-11 or Kirkland water.  They all probably get it from the same company.

The Water Company.

the bottle and design is so damn cool?
the bottle and design are so damn cool?

i don't know
but i don't know right now

i need to brush up on my fundamentals
if i keep staying put
i could probably start taking various classes for fun
and for learning
i owe that cheapskate 20 bucks
that's probably why he texted me
hey man wallowing works for me as long as it keeps my mind occupied
i wanted to go to a meeting, at least there would be people there.
i had to no way to get there, the bus routes wouldn't work 
i thought it a waste to pay for a cab
it's funny though, id spend 60 bucks for a cab just to go down there and get a tiny speckle
it's too late now, anyway
so i'll just sit here
i won't eat chocolate
im trying to eat healthy

my friend's drunk
he hasn't contacted me for weeks
i don't blame him last time i insulted him
he says come down here anddrink 
hey asshole, how the fuck am i going to get there?
did you forget that night?
he says quitting is for losers

sure the thought crossed my mind
but it's going to feel like putting poison in my body
maybe i am exaggerating,
maybe it's not a big deal 
either way, it's not really calling me right now
i'm alone in this
i will always be alone with it
i bought that same salad today too.  ate it for dinner.  then i didn't know what to do.  so i ate something else.
then read what i wrote i guess
maybe it's because of the dreams
that it's hitting me so hard tonight

what am i to do?
i'm just going to sit here

i'm just going to sit here
im just going to sit here
Im just going to sit here
And type
i'm just going to sit here
i'm just going to sit here
i'm just going to sit here
im just going to sit here
and type
im just going to sit here
the images in my brain
imprinted from time after time
i'm just going to sit here
im just going to sit here
i'm just going to sit here
i'm just going to sit here
By typing i won't see it
till i stop
i'm just going to sit here
i'm just going to sit here
bleary eyed
i'm just going to sit here
I'm just going to sit here
and type
i'm just going to sut here
i'm just going to sit here
i'm just going to sit here
Im just going to sit here
im just going to sit here
time after time
year after year
i'm just going to sit here
I'm just going to sit here
Im just going to sit here
im just going to sit here
it'll always stay there
im just going to sit here
I'm just going to sit here
and type
i'm just going to sit here
Im just going to sit here
Im just going to sit here
Im just going to sit here
Im just going to sit here
Im just going to sit here
Im just going to sit here
Im just going to sit here
smoke a cogarette,
I've had nightmares the last couple nights of a certain substance.  I awake and am grateful to realize it was just a dream, and fall back to sleep peacefully.
smokes too much

He should instead
go to sleep

Because life is not ugly
But instead is unugly

EatKhasho Bordello

is the Best

no one else is
is the Best

dun dun 
dun dun
dun da dun

dun dun dun dun
dun da dun

dun dun 
dun dun
dun da dun

dun dun dun dun
dun da dun


dun dun 
dun dun
dun da dun

dun dun dun dun
dun da dun

dun dun 
dun dun
dun da dun

dun dun dun dun
dun da dun


Fuck Triggers

I'll eat their children!

eh, that's good enough

i am the rockafeller of anger
the potent fear and the pill
that makes you bigger
the foolish wisdom of fantasies
the mistress of my wayward dreams

the streets have become taboo
with stimuli and open wounds
objects are rarely seen but used

and actions follow
conscious decisions
but trigger effects 
don't have to move

easy come easy go

it's so cold in here



-Now did that really need to be said?
-Shut up, You!





- Take that!  You silly little booger-slinger, you toad, you! You slimy green stuff under a frog! 

just messin around while i drink my tea

Feed the meat
the milky feet
Cocoa butter 
from Albuquerque

wind rolls 'round
it took my brother

insane asylums
always serve the same deserts
feces on the wall 
in the hole

rats sniff and snort
and crush that pill

on the magic carpet
sprinkling from a
pixie's crystal  wand

She has become bones 
with some skin and some teeth
her hair is frail on her skull
and her Wizard Sleeze
he calls to her

He's her Arrow
Mr. Enchantment

Isco's amazing!

opps that was Bale with the set-up on the 5th goal

Madrid and Sevilla always have great games

while I wait for the game to start

The Lovely Bones is such a sad movie.  I watched it first on an airplane a few years ago; I was enthralled.  I got in trouble with the stewardess because I kept putting my head-phones back on.  But now, I can't watch it.  Even the music is too much.

"It's all here: fast-kicking, low-scoring, and ties? You bet!"

"Open wide for some soccer!"

I ordered a channel that's going to show all the La Liga games.  Today is Real Madrid vs. Sevilla. I noticed with that came some NBA channels--which I see no reason, why I shouldn't watch.  I'd like to catch some games on my free time.  The New York Knicks, I like.  Hell, I'll support any New York team, I don't care about the sport : the Yankees, the Mets, the Rangers, the Buffalo Bills, the New York Throwball team.

A Man has nightmares because one side of him has to use the facilities and another side of him

....is too stubborn to acknowledge it--or too lazy to get up--and they both fight like colorful dragons.

It's not just women
We all have a little vishap in us

What's up, El Bitches and El Bitcherinos!

Think I'm drunk?  Never!
Just going to court.

Welcome to the Honeymoon Phase!

Not really doing my stomach or liver any favors today

I'll start eating a little healthier tomorrow, maybe some light evening exercises to fill my time, start actually going to meetings, maybe start a farming business, raise some chickens!

So today I did eat pretty healthy, I think.  I had some seaweed chips, a turkey/cranberry sandwich, and some jerky.  I had rice and a salad, and spinach baked in bread.  But I did use a lot of butter and salt for the spinach and bread.  My stomach feels a little better, but I still can't lie down easy without feeling the thumping and slight pangs below.  Ah, prolly the cigs and caffeine so close to bed.  I know,  but I was watching something funny for awhile.  These will be easier to cut down once I start an excercise routine, but quitting both the drinks and cigs at once--I think that's asking too much.

Sober again, time to bust out my to-do pile

It's amazing how clear and peaceful and ambitious my head is today.

I had severe anxiety the last few days because of the withdrawal, where--besides thinking this is the end; my heart is about to stop--I could only imagine what people feel as they're getting murdered or raped or in a doomed airplane or drowning car or fighting a bear, and how terrible life is if you're only born to anticipate death or getting robbed at gunpoint...and then you die, and then what?

It's funny, with the stimulants, you don't care about your heart cause you got the euphoria that trumps the thumping of the uncouth night; but withdrawal, you can't even sleep unless you drink because your heart won't let you.  You close your eyes and you swirl down into a trance, and thoughts turn into an on-going scene, but you immediately jump up

I don't know.  It still feels weird when I lie down.  How the hell do people sleep on their backs sober?  I'm a lover, baby--I need to always be in cuddling position.  Squeezed lemon in perrier.
fresh start,
just gotta get up and try harder this time
i can tell now that every withdrawal will be worse
than the last one

I e-mailed the Prime Minister drunk

I don't think I made much of a case.  I'm hoping others do.

e-mail the Prime Minister of Romania at drp@gov.ro

Blogger is fucking with me

Mass Killing of Dogs in Romania

he's the nightly terror of irrational good beings
he's the rapist of a human
he's not even a caricature of beelzebub

he is petty
he is small
and as such, he is unfortunately dangerous

he's even an insult to cocksuckers!

Jesus, that guy's dead?

He was just there!
I was just laughing with him!
He was short and Persian and so-well dressed.  
Always in European dress-shirts.
I'd watch his eyes every time a good looking woman walked in.
I thought he was great.

I saw a clip on CNN from the Kenya attacks, security footage.
One victim I recall slips and can't hide
he gets shot, then struggles in blood to crawl
and another cocksucker walks by and shoots him dead

Marseille is like me with all my friends

what Marseille should do in the next group game, is one defender should bust out a yo-yo during the game, another should start eating strawberries from his pocket, a striker should light up a cigarette during a counter attack on the side, and the coach should be reading his mail and crumpling it up and throwing it at fans

and the defensive midfielder should be stalking the ref the whole game

Man I saw once a week died of a heart attack last week
i found out today; he was 56
why'd you use the semi-colon?

If a man put a gun to your head,
You, I'm talking to you!
- Who, Them?
No, you.
Would you act so suicidal?
Nah, bitch.  You'd be shitting your pants!
That gun-toter would be like,
"Ah, man!  He shat his pants, gross!"

so weird that he doesn't exist anymore
i can't understand it
he was smiling
He said, "You just bring it!  We'll sell it"
poor guy

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you can tell a lot about a man? by the way he treats his mother

no fuckin doubt

to you
try to

who's we?
That's me!

what was that pang?
why is it weirdly
why is my
mother so depressed

must be
all I said

and did
and did did

there is no
energy to her
she be looking like a zombie

i called her

then i got real drunk

and then
real warm

in my brain

having their day!
god bless 'em
the essence of my butt is crud
the essence of a pony is yum-yum good salt lick
the essence of James worthy is  tall
the essence of a fat man is obesity
the essence of a journey is get drunk as soon as you can so we some can hide here again

and then we can split off
ring a round the rosy
catch a pony by the toe
if the dog screams that means you sat on her accidentally

from any sort of unflattering self-realization


just to hide in this shithole blog
amazing how i can make fun of it one day 
then remember it another with insane distaste
Is his bigger than mine?
Jeez, you haven't seen his, have you?
Ah, jeez!--What!?  With your hands?
Why would you do that?
Ah!...I'm going to be sick.
Are you with someone who loves you?
I wonder what that's like.

"Happy Birthday, Bitches!"

from 30 Rock - Bitch Hunter

I've lost my mind

What if I could just find it again?
That's feasible, isn't it?

Listen, I can't see quite blurry

If this the CIA: This is all fiction.
If this my secretary: I need a cheeseburger...curly fries,  I'm thinking.  Or rather, a CIA, or a BBQ Chicken Sandwich with Surly Flies.  Call Fred.  Tell him I disagree with Ted.  Call my wife: tell her we'll BBQ one of our children tonight.  Tell her you'll wait forever for her, in bed.

Get up, you bum!

-I'm done with friends! They are in the pursuit of money.
-Yea, that sounds like something you would say.
-What would you do if you had it, Playboy?
-So what?  So, what should I?
- I'm not going to answer that for you.
- (groan)
- You're not the only one who is alone.  Look at the crumb-bums. 
- So, what.
- Just fuckin rise!
- You mean like Mickey?
- That's cute.  Sure.

you're quite the dramatist

yea, well, what do you expect?  We kind of dug ourselves a hole.
-Just talk to me.  

Ah! stepped in a puddle of mud. One of my socks is wet.

So much for my mystique.

Call now for your reverse mortgage secrets and no obligation secrets

my love is planet newfoundland
my heart when you sit on it, just gets bigger

stick a needle in me
and my blood drips out

Then like acid
and some smoke

that's some classy eatin'

why can't they both be Great?

Is there not enough room?
I like Adele.  I really do.  Lots of people say she's an Amy imitation, but girl's got a great voice.

"Bless your heart,
you got your head in the clouds
you made a fool out of me
and now it's sumthin sumthin"
sometimes I gotta slap myself a few times to be able to get up, then i have to drink to be able to shave
-What can I help you with?
-Got any alcohol?
-Sure do.
-Thank you. My intestines thank you.  My liver thanks you.  My mother thanks you. 

Need more bananas!

i can't keep doing this day and night
can't i be addicted to women's feet
or sunshihne lollipops
or bananas?

How can I possibly be honest with you?
What is it that I want from you?

Your skin is like home to me
Your breath is like my breath
--I need it to breathe.

I need a cigarette when I'm with you, woman
like the whims of the restless air,

Your are my bird
And I am yours even with a broken wing
-- You make me rise.

Sex. Now!
Okay, Slap!

Sure, I'll cuddle with you, baby
nice little breasts on my face like
dew in the morning
like the crisp tender air
then the soft chill of my bones shaking

---I'm with my Woman! 
If she had, then what were you going to do--then Shut the Fuck Moaning!
guess i got my hopes up
whatever, what's another day?

I wonder how much Oreo would love Chelsea once he knew her?

my sleepy golden storm

oh, and oldboy

things ive been into on netflix lately when sober enough

30 rock
the jeffrey dalhmer files
the devil's double
pusher 3: i am the angel of death
after the wedding
The office (us) esp. The only good scene in season 9 when dwight schrute uses the shotgun at the schrute funeral
rowan atkinson's stand-up

My tenth grade English teacher Mr. campbell

"nothing that you felt before
that no one else has ever felt"

Nirvana Live at the Cow Palace!


when i was younger i liked to go to record shops--you guys still know what those are, right?--and find some Nirvana bootlegs like Outcesticide, Roma, Dressed for Success, Fecal Matter...I know Krist N. didn't like it, but it was a way for me to hear more Nirvana.  Thanks, guys.

Canons to the left of me!

Canons to the right!
all my energy goes in here
all my hate
and all my fondness
all my impulsivity
all my one whim spew of creativity

this is my toilet
this is my wish-bowl
this is a whirlpool 
and heart
and heart
and heart

you really shouldn't write 
in the privacy of your hours

What it is, baby?
What it was?
Keep the bed warm for me?
Pajamas, man that shit's for hobos.
Sure it's dangling--
I'm still celebrating Christmas.

Jesus was born, after all.
got a wart on my finger
must be a cigarette burn
gives my hand some personality
other than just hair

my toes are dirty

i think of radiohead's kid a
and it's quiet and an iceberg just dawned upon me

eatkhash's jukebox list

1. the pretenders - back on the chain gang
2. radiohead - kid a (song)
3. radiohead - the bends (song)
4. bob marley - could you be loved
5. Rolling stones - gimme shelter
6. brother ali- self-taught
7. Of montreal - grolandic edit
8. creedence clearwater - have you ever seen the rain?
9. pavement - range life
10. nirvana - school ( live)
Cutest thing about Chelsea was how we got her.  I picked her out from the shelter for my sister and her beau at the time, but others wanted her so we had to enter into a raffle.  My cousin was visiting from Holland, and my mom told us, we had to get up early to enter all of our names.  We were hung over; him with his sexy European man-thong, me in boxers.  We didn't get up.  She still won the raffle. My sister didn't want her.  Nobody wanted her--but now she's mine.

Buzz Aldrin on 30 Rock

"I walked on your face!"
I've been flirting with death all day.  Not a bad day's work.
--I'll get you tomorrow.
--We'll see, Playboy.
I'm done with the whiskey.
That shit's too destructive.
I'm not into destruction.

Stick with me, baby. It'll be smooth sailing

2 stellas down, 10 to go

and in this way we shall ween and detox before work tomorrow

amazing the difference one beer makes

red olives - once you think you're about to die, everything tastes really fucking good

What's going on in the soccer world?

Let's see, Mexico is riding a pro-American sentiment.  That should help our relations.  There was no reason for the US to try so hard.

....Bayern Munich and Barcelona still suck. 

damn, i've been so self-absorbed i've forgotten i kinda smell

a little man-odor is good for the ladies
it's like calcium

Give him the belt!

Ron Jeremy

Have you heard of a guy named Nikolai Gogol?

Couldn't finish his novel cause he went crazy.

He inspired Dostoevsky--bam! That's all you need to know.

here he comes!

I'm too drunk to do it, i need a friend, but we need brackets, World's Greatest Writers, Arm-Wrestling tournament


Faulkner vs. Hemingway

Talkin' about cents 

God, I need a haircut!

I need my ears lowered.
I don't care about death.
If I can't love,
Why do I deserve to live?

been hearing this song on the radio...always gives me a tear

only sumthin sumthin

Only know your love when you let her go
...And you let her go.


who knows what is waiting
detox tomorrow
drink tonight

sister christian lala-la-la la

more than a feeling!

i miss ucla.  all the times i would get drunk in my car and listen to music really loud

Open House

That's where he likes to stick his dick.

Well Jean Paul Sartre said something along the lines that a Man's essence is to find a hole stick his dick into it...so maybe I can build a hole in one of my walls

Because I'm better than violence

that's why

Welcome to Arm-WrestleMania!

Tolstoy vs. Dostoevsky. --Sorry, that one's on pay-per-view.

Tonight we have

Pushkin vs.Chekhov
Gogol vs. the entire Gogol Bordello
Turgenev vs. the diary of a Superfluous Man


What's up, baby-cakes?
Nevsky Prospect with Dounia.

im quite drunk

Good God, Lemon!

if i drink enough maybe i won't wake up

piss out of the window

fuck 'em!
drink so much that you can only see out of one eye

i hooe i die tonight 


Permanent marker on my hairy chest
blow my head off--
at least i won't have to work
In Armenia, if you get in car crash, you get out of the car and beat each other up.
Whoever loses is at fault.
I gotta stop going to that bar.  I went outside last night waiting to fight some guy.  He never came out.  So I went back in and sat back down next to him.  Then I arm-wrestled a Vietnam veteran.  I beat him  with my left hand.  On my right, it was hard.  Geezer ain't foolin' around.


1.  talk up a storm...then leave
2. It's hard work...being sexy

Man, you drinkin Jagermiser?

Don't ever forget what the Germans did!

...yea, that's right, Volkswagen!
holy shit
holy mas mas
holy yerort mas
holy cannoli
holy liza minnelli
holy Michael york
holy toucan Sam
holy great vagabond
holy vagabond Inn

do you ever feel like the CIA has put hidden cameras in your ipad or your iphone or the bathroom?

Oh...I don't either
let's see the damage
a t-shirt that says "ungluten-free"
no pants

soy bomb

Don't act like an Aristocrat.  We all know what you left in the air on that aisle of Whole Foods.  Come back and wine taste it.  By now, it's permeating.
-I've been eating like a cow lately.
-Yea, cows don't eat sugar cookies and Kit-Kats.

shopping list

-absolut vodka
-subtle weed pipe
-pop tarts -cookie dough flavor
-russian ham
-eggplant caviar
-fresh loaf of bread

Sometimes I'm quite wasted or weary,
and I drop my head down and think
and I hear this voice

"You're doing good."
Nodding, with that fuckin smirk on his face.
He makes me laugh sometimes.

And I will even go so far as to say that Kasparov is welcome here any day!

And Ararat from 1973

i will not smoke w/out my Real Madrid jersey on.
This is a Real Madrid House!
Ask my babe's lovers.  I'm sure they beg to differ.

La Haine

"Nothing like a good shit."
La Haine's a good film, I would love to watch that tonight.  Anything with Vincent Cassel, except Hollywood.

Someone should give both of us ten dollars

-I bet you ten dollars.
-No way, I know you're right.  I called it before you did.  Let's see the driver.
Except Asians, but especially South Koreans..  I don't care what you call me.  They have no business on US Roads.  I'm tired of ascribing to the whole trick of the mind sort of thing.  Stick to interesting cinema and jumping around technology like the Rolling Stones just came into town.

Worst drivers on this planet, and at least two more--that I've heard of.

(Most of the pageview spam says South Korea.  Broke my heart.)

I keep trying to do a bunch of drunken rants, but i end up arguing with myself and realize I'm wrong.
There's two toothbrushes in the bathroom.  One is mine; the other I sometimes use on the dog's teeth.   
Don't use mine.
I was trying to watch a Dodgers game; they were in the playoffs.  I really tried to get into it.  For 3 hours, there was nothing else to do at the bar--certainly, no jukebox action.  I just don't get it.

More boring than a yawn.  More boring than covering your face with a baseball glove.

Between Jeffrey Dahmer and Uday Hussein, I'm making too many enemies

By the way, did you know that Ted Bundy, while acting as his own attorney, had the audacity to ask a witness if she could identify the perpetuator in the courtroom?  

And she goes, "Yea, it was you."  
This is not good.  He knows on
- It's, "Up on."
- It's not, "Upon," and it's not even, "Up on," stupid.  Listen to what I'm saying : He knows...where I live!
- Who?
- Jeffrey.  He heard me say it.  I know he did.  I get paranoids at night.
- Ahahaha!  You said, "Paranoids."
- I watch my windows.  I don't need this shit, too.
- Ha! You said, "Turds!"
I was supposed to catch up on sleep tonight.
Last two nights, i would feel something in my chest and
just wake up like im trying to breathe
or my wife just rocked me out of the waterbed

Coy, my ass.
There is something I'm curious about.  I'm fairly certain that one of the bouncers at a bar I frequent--that is, pump money into--does not like me, and might be planning on killing me--more likely wishing me ill fate.  And now, I'm certain, as something peculiar happened this evening, which I will relate to you, just in case--it was that fat, blond metalhead who has the Stare of Jefferey Dahmer at The Park.  I'm pretty good friends with the other bouncer and the waitress who works those nights, in terms of endearment.  The other thing I noticed is Jeffery Metalhead has a young/Uncle relationship with the elder bouncer--they actually might be related.  I'm quite fond of the elder bouncer, as he seems like a very good man, and we always use coarse language on each other, but lately I've been getting an uneasy feeling from Jeffery Metal Head--not so much that he doesn't respond to my drunken witticisms, but just from the way he stares at me.

So, today, I told my barkeep I'm going to write you a witty letter in lieu of a tip (layaway), as is my wont, but then I saw Jeffrey's Uncle, and I said, "Me, you, tic-tac-to!"  So we played, and I won very quickly--which is odd--and then he went to his business and I went to write my tip on ______ notepad, and Jeffrey grabbed it from my hands and he said no more letters for tonight with that dull blankness to his fat bearded face.  I guess I got angry, but I didn't think it warranted yet, making a scene.

I told ____, in a note which I wrote out of spite: That guy's going to be a serial killer.


- The guy ate a bird's head off,  and what are you doing?  You're headbanging.  You look like a wannabe-bull--a true American.
When I see people looking at me
I imagine what they might see
then I realize what they probably see.

We got no one line
that clings us together--
prolly cause we'd be crying and embracing each other
instead of going out and making that sweet sweet

Love?  We got no love.
People have taken it
and it's in their room

Started getting in fights with my exclamation points, again

He's got a big ego;
I got a big ego

They would love the irony in that, what with their red framed lenses

Rain is Good

I imagine homeless people appreciate it.
Bottle it up, call it Gluten-free Organic
and sell it to hipsters.

Rain Water - rain, rain go away

EatKhash won't sell out

Fuck yea! I will.
Give me a million dollars,
I'll stop writing right now!
Monaco, Nice
Here I come!

In my red 1960s Aston Martin,
Bahama Mama!

What now?

- I'll tell you what now.
- Oh, that...don't wink at me, you look like a stupid little pixie who just farted.  But you're huge.
- Oh, you have to bring that up.
- What do you mean?  You're six feet tall!
- Shit the size of a tree trunk.  Is that what you were going to say?
- You have to get over it.  You can't live in Neverland.
- Why not?  It's imaginary...  I have to throw up.
- So what else is new?  That's why we eat soup.

What is this, is this a shifter car? I cannot drive a shifter car. I'mused to luxury. Do you know what luxury is? Cadilac El Dorado!

carjack scene

Whacha' laughin' aboot, Canadian Jamaica?

If I go out with a girl, and she has to pick me up because of my recent
glug-glug drive drive,
Do I still have to open the car door for her when we get out of Burger King?
Fuckin valet.  What's he smirking at?

That smug motherfucker!
(    )
(       )
(     )
(       )
That's us rolling on the floor in front of her car.

Some times, when I get really lonely,

I put both my legs over my head and try to pretend I'm a pretzel being eaten by my babe during Oktoberfest.


You mean the Russian pro-wrestler?

Who the fuck gets up this early to drink?

This guy!


...been trying to meet you
-Are you EatKhash?
-You're not Jimmy Ray?
-Says here...let's see: There's 3 naked Asian chicks in that limo.
-Okay! You convinced me. 
i gotta do this shit, again?
i don't want to drink.
i just want to love.
is that too much to ask!
I'm not going to put on a shirt, just cause we have guests.
A Gorilla's got to live, you know?

I'll go in there,

Work? What? Again!

-I did it.  I finally did it!  We finally did it!
-Where the fuck would you be without me?  What are you,  going to be a bank teller?  A loan consultant?
-We should have written some stories, man.  Our shit's only three words.
-Eh, there's nothing left.  Maybe we can trick them into thinking we compressed it.
-You mean our anthology?
-Yea, why not?
Even when I know people are ripping me off
I just mumble and I pay them.

I mumble and I grumble
I grumble

I grumble and I mumble
I mumble

well, since im dying ill make my greatest of lists

fashion designers

1. armani
2. gucci
3. yves st. Laurent
4. louie v.

greatest professional wrestlers 

1. bret hart
2. undertaker
3. shawn michaels
4. hulk hogan (he only knew 4 wrestling moves, but you gotta respect what he did for the sport)


1. cinnamon toast crunch
2. honeycomb
3. honey nut cherrios
4. fruit loops or fruity pebbles
5. apple jacks
6. golden grams
7. frosted flakes (they're great)

Ninja Turtles Cereal -ineligible

Nickelodeon shows

1. Are you afraid of the dark?
2. the adventures of pete and pete
3. Clarissa explains it all 

so cute

Greatest episodes of the simpsons

off the top of my head, I would say, Homer's Triple Bypass, the prohibition episode, Hurricane Neddy, the Springfield Files, the monorail, you only live twice, the one with daryl strawberry, the one where Marge becomes a cop because it's got Homer trying to make a mad dash,  the treehouse of horror episode with Bill Clinton and Bob Dole was really good...i dunno, lots more.

I never cared for the episode where Lisa becomes a vegetarian.  Prolly the only episode in the first 12 seasons that made me angry.
I'm going to tear my liver apart.
I can't get myself to eat.
If I was dying, I would look like I was dying, right?
I look pretty good.
When I used to visit my grandpa, he would always thank me for visiting him.
It was really haunting.
I've noticed I've been saying that to old friends who call me once in awhile.
I'm a child.
I will always be a child.
I just shit the size of a tree trunk.

ari, ari!

Sickness is waiting for me.
It's cheering me on.

like not ungood, but good

I'm pretty sure it's my liver.
Why can't alcohol be so like, unbad?
So I can keep drinking and not die.
People are struggling to live.
And I'm pissing it all away.
I don't deserve much.
My side hurts.  I think I'm dying again.  Maybe it won't be that bad.
Why do people act a certain way?  Why can't we just say what we're thinking?  I'm going to tell her I want to have a three-way with you and her.  You know it.  I know it.  And she knows it.
One time I'm driving through Brentwood during work, there's this blonde girl on the bus stop, a good-looking, dignified woman.  Behind her sits an old, bearded fat hobo in a wheel chair, probably missing some teeth, trying to flirt with her and smile.  She's trying her best not to give him a response.  He's got one arm leaning on the back of the bench, and the other is rummaging through the garbage can.

Funniest thing I ever saw.
-Excuse me, your tiger just ate my child.
-Yea, he'll do that.
I was trying to suave this waitress all morning,
then I got my check and I convinced myself she was trying to rip me off.
So we had to go through that whole thing.
Yea, I don't think she's coming back.



Six, what is it, AM or PM?

I can't keep up.  Next day,
I just have to go to work again.

Bayern is up 3-0

Babe, this is you.  This is my heart.

My pump can't heart without you.
My heart is Radiohead.


Uday Hussein

How horrible do you have to be, when America will sacrifice its entire army and destroy the entire country, just to kill you?

They stole a billion dollars once they had to go on the run.  It's not like they could deposit it somewhere.  They probably had to carry that with them, not to speak of the gold.  How much money do you need?

To the mailman

-You guys are early today.
-I'm just picking up his routes.
-What happened?  Someone go Postal?

When I have a son...or a dughter

-This is a Real Madrid house!

Barcelona?  Kick him out of the house.
I want to get a Real Madrid banner.  Drape it over my house.  Not so much proud of Florentino Perez, but whatever.  100 mil for Bale?  We should have gotten a fuckin striker!

Ah, jeez!

-Excuse me, your tiger just ate my son.
-Sorry Ma'am.  He likes eating children.

Now, that's an actor

Babe, where you been?

You been out in Morocco?

I had a dream,
i had a dream last night!

We had a lion as a pet,
i said

We can't keep it!
It's going to bite someone!
I had a dream some one was showing me a videotape of me dancing.

I was like, "Turn it off! Turn it off!"
2prts. Waldendorf's Nighttime Cold and Flu
1prt. mouthwash
some parts.  scraping resin from your pipe

I call it, Desperation, baby.

(In bed)

-(man, in underwear, lying on his side in bed) 
What do you think?

-(woman) Are you trying to pose while you talk to me?
-(tanned face) No. That's absurd!
-Absurd? Where did you get that from?
-I happen to read when I tan...sometimes.
-The only thing you read is Tan Magazine.
-I like to do my research.  Some people like to be the best at making tomato sauce.  Some people like to be the best gamers.
-You want to be the best Tan you wanna be.

Why, did I bite her again today?

Pets though don't become owners
owners become like pets

if only cigarette commercials were allowed on TV

-I wanna go to sleep.
-I know.  But I'm going to smoke this cigarette first.*

*This one's the schizo version.

Woke up this morning searching for a piece of crystal--smaller than a ridge on the tip of my pinky--that I had hidden in plain view on my desk  in my dream.
Sometimes I feel disillusioned,
deceived by my TV.

The happy talking,
good-willed advertising.

It's good that you're doing positive shit, Flaco's girl