Not really doing my stomach or liver any favors today

I'll start eating a little healthier tomorrow, maybe some light evening exercises to fill my time, start actually going to meetings, maybe start a farming business, raise some chickens!

So today I did eat pretty healthy, I think.  I had some seaweed chips, a turkey/cranberry sandwich, and some jerky.  I had rice and a salad, and spinach baked in bread.  But I did use a lot of butter and salt for the spinach and bread.  My stomach feels a little better, but I still can't lie down easy without feeling the thumping and slight pangs below.  Ah, prolly the cigs and caffeine so close to bed.  I know,  but I was watching something funny for awhile.  These will be easier to cut down once I start an excercise routine, but quitting both the drinks and cigs at once--I think that's asking too much.

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