free shot after last call
- ah, jeez, you made me blush... i wrote
out a thank you list some night of all the all the bodies i wanted to thank, but then some innocuous figure, i think, you got 4 minutes
- it almost spells "cock"
- the books i read in college, it might mean innocent, like not harming
- should i look it up?
- what book you referebcing
-Wooly- Bully, wrote by one of them guys who wrote the book himself, that's what it says in his pamphlet, he's got a pamphlet, you know
- Patty told matty, sorry i just kept singing it to anyone 
- yea. he references that in ch. 5a
- - he referecences himself?
- oh yea, guy's a real upstart.  You  know you shouldn't make fun ofArmenians
- Why not? I know em. Hey, hold on, im not here to thrash anyone, I mean im an award winnef

i look like a bum here, im gonna take my sweet ass somewhere...wheres where it...No it doesn't get eaten, I eat it.  No I don't eat it, I eats the food.  Can't you understand english?  What the hell is wrong with you people!?

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