somewhere along the line blogger started fuckin with me, and the screen's too small, o gotta piss, i tried to pretend i was retarded ...these two guys, black and mexican, now they're best friends, might as well buy a bag chips

Restaurant, I command you!  Appear in front of me!
- No, no traction. 
- What do you mean No?
- No.  No traction. We have to go now.
- I knew it when the party-guy told me, the third prince?  The guy with the long hair—no hairy guy requires long hair, especially when he's headbanging to songs that don't get headbanged.
- Do you still require the Del Taco?
-Will you shut up!  I'm self–rea...I'm fuckin Buddha man—hey, do you have to take orders from me?
- Yes.
-Oh man, fuggedaboudid! Let's just hang out.  I got lots of interestings—you can leave them on doorstep, I'm not going to lie if they get eaten—, you know if you walk into an established business and pretend you're retarded, you can just walk around the warehouse and they closeky monitor you with warm hearts
- Oh, charmed.  I can identify with the ...
- Yes, yes  
- of the long haired dude,  Oscar
- of...
- I'll have you killed Wilfred Owen, and you'll wish it was from a 
 matches that
7- Might as well leave, i suffer from depression...this...this is very displeasing
8- What are you, from Denmark?
9- Hey, you still gotta pay your tab
10 - She did!  Get me another beer Kendra, top shelf, but I'm not paying for this one cause his skull is going to drink it all
11- She liked me. She was looking at me.  I have a system.
12- I missed my appointment with the Direct TV
13- Better you don't have a pool.
14- Well, this tutorial is free
15- Don't look at her.  You never look at her.    I got a feeling sometimes she was catching glimpses at me. 
16- Whatever you do, don't ever look at her.
17- Fuck him! I tried to order the dirty 

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