
I gotta start my community service early in the morning.  I got 8 hours for tomorrow and a half-hour break. I bought some construction shoes and an ice-bucket; I'm packing a great lunch. I hope I get a chance to show it off. My sandwich is an avocado turkey selection with honey mustard and whole grain bread--Im getting about 15 grains on that thing. By substituting mayo and cheese for an avocado, I'm only getting in good fats. In a zip-lock bag, I'll have a couple servings of beef jerky, which I think is a good addition and an excellent source of protein. For a snack, I'll have a package of roasted seaweed chips; although to spice things up, I may opt for the wasabi flavor. My whole meal will contain less than 10 grams of fat, and most of that will be from friendly sources. For desert, I think I'll indulge in a cookies 'n creme protein bar. Now, the bar can be used as a meal itself; but in my selection, I chose one with limited calories and sugary carbs, but with a high protein ratio. It took me a while to find my ideal choice, as I would act nonchalantly if there were passersby in the aisle.

To make efficient use of my range of food options, I'm just going to have to persuade my Super to the idea that, instead of a lunch-break, I shall require six modest lunch-breaks. I'll have to get my complex carbohydrates earlier in the session, so as to use that fuel for energy throughout the day to give back to my community--obviously. Then, I shall only need to nibble on my protein sources in minute sessions to support a healthy metabolism. A rest under the shade of an oak tree out yonder, I feel, is in order for proper snacking and replenishment of fluids. And who knows what fruits of my labor will be compromised if my facilities are depraved of the crunchy goodness of pure protein whey isolate towards the latter stages as I feel my powers dwindling?

The bottom of my ice-bucket, I'll fill with ice and an assortment of bottled fluids and iced coffee. I choose the low-calorie iced-coffees, because I prefer my coffee black; but will opt for a low-fat milk selection, if it can't be avoided, because I'm cool like that, I'm cool like that, I'm cool like that, I'm cool like that, I'm cool like that, I'm cool like that, I'm cool like that, I'm cool like that. I'll place my food in my makeshift fridge, as well. Naturally, I will need to notify the Super at some point that I shall require a place to refill my ice-bucket.

I'm stuck on the issue of nuts--poly and monounsaturated nuts.  On the one hand, mixed nuts could bring about a communal bond; on the other, pecans and cashews are something you want in your private reserve.  Peanuts, maybe.  That says, "I'm with you comrades, but I am not bourgoise."

Now, cigarette breaks can be a touchy issue. I'll first inquiry as to whether smoking by activists is frowned upon, or outright prohibited. That should give us a platform upon which we can assess our negotiation options, or formulate our tactics accordingly.

Good day,

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