ring ring

Ahoy hoy?
- What's good?
- Just listing.
- Ah, me too.  I was doing some goodass listing earlier this evening.
- Name one right now!
- List of my favorite Exports of Papa New Guinea.  Bam!
- ...damn, that is good.  Nicely done.  You can really go wild with that one. Which topped the list?
- Platnium, child.
- Of course.  I'm making a list of my Elementary Schoolteachers by How Poignant the Coffee Breath.
- Not bad.  Not bad at all.  What are you doing tomorrow?
- Eating khash.
- Great, I love khash.
- You've never had khash.
- Yea, but I think I love it.
- Then I'll probably sleep the whole day. Come by; we'll compare lists.
- Sounds good.
- Only we shouldn't sit so close together.
- Oh, cause of the garlic?
- Yea.
- Shit, I was planning on asking that girl out at the hawaiian joint.
- You haven't asked her out yet?
- I'm working on it.
- She wants a stallion, ____.
- And I'm going to make her dream come true.  I'm warming her up.  First, we talk about fish; then we talk about love.
- Well said.  Hey, you take care of that.
- Things will get done.  I gotta go; I'm trying to open up a can of Spam.
- Never had it.
- You've never had Spam?
- I'm an immigrant, ____.  I don't even know what the fuck is in it.
- Nobody knows what's in it.
- All right, see ya.
- Have a good night.  I love you.  You're my best friend.

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