i saw a homeless guy today with his lip hanging off looking back at me with an ice pack the indian wanted to get rid of him and a little chiuaua in his cart— im pretty sure he got beaten up—and i looked at him with disgust or looked away after his eyes saw mine cause im a respectable member of society objectivism don't you know? then i went back i wondered if I should buy peroxide or the rubbing alcohol to make his day.  It cost me 3 bucks for the mixed nuts, another 3 for the band-aides—I had a hang nail with no nailclippers so my nerves were irrational, I threatened my skin like a gang member talks about jerking off on someone's mother—and 3 bucks for the peroxide.  By the time I got out of the gas station and looked for him he wasn't there and I couldn't find him.  I rang round TGI Fridays and the mall, and drove up to a lesser prize at the bus stop who woildn't stop giggling and with my hand gestures you'd think i was trying to explain how big it was,  i circled her area for about  an hour cause obviously i wanted to stick it in her ass  then a block away i saw a park i thought there he would be licking his wounds,  and i parked my car walked by the asian jewish and persian milfs with the kids in the playground, Kevin Arnold started narrating in my head, I walked triumphant into the men's restroom public restroom, a hotspot, and there was a group of vulgar homeless men and women, they were probably the ones who beat him up...so I hid the peroxide bottle before they can see it, and said fuck em.  Saddest thing of all, the other dogs in the shopping carts—no, that 's life

the bum in front of the barber shop when i was walking in for a taste got lucky. one guy was dressed sharp but asked me for a hot dog so i got mad cause he had no class,  one was asleep in front of the 7-11 and it made an asian merchant mad i bailed when the cops got there, then i walked in somewhere else to get a taste and a guy in front of the barbershop said he was hungry so i poured him the nuts in a cup and he said,  "Primo, you give me the money, I go in buy food" by that time I was already inside

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