committee of the crazied

hey man you gotta get yours
hey man you gotta get yours
hey man you gotta get yours
hey man you gotta get yours
we can fight it
or we can embrace it
hey man you gotta get yours
hey man you gotta get yours
we can embrace it
hmm hmm hmm
always making sounds
all of it means something,
at least to us, so tried of the persecution
we form The Committee of Crazied
Item 1: Before we start : No Revenge Vendettas.  Yes?
- Can We still bomb the IHOP?
- What did I just say?
- Ok. Well then I would like to point out, that I, received, a check...for a substantial amount of money, disclosed here, look...
- Check it out, Easter.
- Yea.
- What?
- Yea.
- What?
- Yes.  It says "Substantial Amount of Money."
- (sighs, relieved) Okay, go on.
- Every thing is in order, thus far, yes?
- Umhmm
- Which one of you had a doubt? ...hmm, Which one of you had a doubt but was being cynical?  Open mic's at 6, bozos.  (aside) Watch him, Duke or York, they might be giants.
- Duke of York, please.
- Yes.
- Which one?
- What?
- He's being confrontational.
- He's a renegade.
- You're my girlfriend; I'll buy you dinner.
- Fuck yea! A fight.
- Settle down guys, we don't have confrontations.
- Yea that's why we have those special parking spots.
- What?
- Is that true?
- My grandma has one.
- Your grandma doesn't have one.
- Her grandmother doesn't have one.
- Well, it's true but he's really bending it
- Bendam use to Beckett.
- We're lobbying for it.
- So his grandma doesn't have one?
- No, I've seen the bitch.  She's wonderful.
- Guys! Guys!
- I have a check for a Substantial Amount  of Money.
- He's right.
- Check it out, Easter.
- Looks Good.
- It was paid to me, by the guy, and the guy, he did it.  And he wants you to know.
- Well, does he love us?
- I wouldn't want not to be loved.  You can really hurt someone's organs.
- Hey, he's right! You should be President.
- I'm here for the Fight Club.
- You can't just fuckin say the name of a group that doesn't exist just cause you want it to start.
- Hey, he should be President.
- I dunno, he seems like he's got ideas.
- Let's kill him!
- Cut the head off the snake right now.
- Guys! Guys!
- Shiiiiiiiiiit...
- Ah, there he is
- He's Smart
- So You're Smart?
- He's Smart.
- Right, guy who wrote the check, right?
- Yea
- This guy always nods
- Well, that guy eats salads.
-  Oh.  Yea—oh yea!
- Salads? I knew it!
- Is he fit?
- Is he dying?
- I hope someone loves him.
- Yea, he's fit.
- We should kill him and his enti—
- Can all of you stop the ceaseless chatter...elaborate, please—He's Smart.
- Your boy's got a lot of lettuce.
- Lettuce!?  I knew it!  I fuckin knew it this whole time.
- Oh, yea, the lettuce goes with the salad.
- I made a salad once.
- You didn't make no salad
- Nah, you didn't make no salad.
- I knew it!  I could just kill him...or love him, you know, whatever you guys think is fair

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