Babe, does your mom have credit? ...Oh, just asking.  (thoughtful, moments later) Does she need it? ...Jeez, I'm just asking...How bout life insurance? ...Okay, okay.  It's just that this guy told me he could—... Oh, it doesn't matter... So what if it was Rocco? ...that is his real name... it is, it was given to him by his mother... because she loves him!  Look he knows what he's talking about.  He's a real straight-shooter... It's just that he did Po'boy's mom's—... Well, I'm not sure.  It could be his real name... Well, he arranged papers for her, and now she lives comfortably in South American... I don't know, somewhere in the mountains... Don't worry, it's regionous... the mountains... Well, she can't be running around in the cities and town centers... Okay, fine.  Just thought she could use a little extra money—and you always wanted that convertible, your hair blowing in the wind while I drive... No, women aren't allowed to drive in this country... Look, I don't want to argue with you—I'm too stuffed to make love... No, I hust had a large slab of prime rib, but I could go for a slice of pork cobbler... No, you're my pork cobbler... No, you're my pork cobbler
Jeez, babe, that crazy Lexus was about to hit us, and on your side, too. You're lucky, cause I traded in your airbags for a bunch of pork loins and a big hunk of prime rib from a guy that was selling them from a freezer in his truck...he didn't rip me off...No, I didn't get ripped off...he gave me a good deal—you know I don't get you, we have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert for the next two weeks

We're on the road again

Oh, don't get mad, babe.  She's probably just honking cause she's a fan.

- Hey Sanjay.  This is my babe.  Sanjay, Babe, Babe, Sanjay.
- What's her name?
- What are you, playing the hero?  You getting smart?  Trying to hit on my woman?  (pow! bang! zorp! blamo!). Our work here is done, babe....babe?
- (babe, filing her nails). The wind tried to hit on me.
- Oh, yea?  (festering) What did it say, exactly?
- I dunno, different positions, things like that. 
- Oh, yea? (bubbling)
I feel like I'm holding my dogs captive.  I never walk them.  She sits by the door, stares into the dark night in the backyard.  She likes it when I pet her, when she eats, or we wrestle.  She sleeps a lot.

Everyday she knows the mailman's going to try to break in, and she expects him.  I don't know about you, but that would drive me crazy.

What a sad, pathetic existence, to only think about one thing.

black seals

I can't recall any bad dreams lately.  Most are pleasant, or soothing, or even exhilarating.  In some, we're back together, and seemingly happy, or communicating in person, but there's an optimistic overture to it—those usually leave me pretty depressed in the morning and loath to start my day.  But that I can also ascribe to lack of adequate rest.  Whatever it is, it evetually clears away as I start moving and get caught up with work.  Sometimes I'll play with it throughout my day, and imagine her with me while I'm driving around, showing her places I go, and what we'd talk about, and the laughs we'd have whenever I have a funny thought in my head about another driver or person I encounter or observe.  Ask her for advice on some issues.  And when I have lunch and see a couple there, too, I would wonder, well, would we get separate drinks, or just share one big one?  Work keeps me distracted, and that's good, but as soon as I'm done I tend to forget about it, and get restless.  It's hard to be ambitious when there's this underlying hopelessness, a resignation to the futility of trying too hard.  But the more mentally depressed I get, or pessimisstic toward my willingness to grow, the sweeter the dreams.

Except I had a dream that the game barely started and Bayern had already scored in Madrid through a header.  Then later in the dream, I felt relief that that was just a dream and I looked at the scoreboard and it's 1 - 2 first half in the Bernabeu in favor of Bayern. Great, two away goals.
Had a dream of some black seals in my living room, which was in water.  I was cuddling with them and petting them and they would lean up against me while we slept.
oh but to feel
if for only a day removed 
that familiar fear
which haunts me still
when fallen off passion's peak
and into a yearning
oh to feel again that burning
let me be uncouth
and indulge in my fruit
if for only a day
removed and replaced
to hide the shame
of such disgrace
still light - the knife
me and the bear and my babe 
in the woods
they start to argue
i gotta step in

i try to reason
i try my will
bear eats my babe
i kicks him his shin

me and the bear and my babe 
in the woods
she tries to teach him
he plops her again

i try to hold him
we drink some wine
me and the bear and my babe
are in love

i wake to find 
that they are both gone
bear ate my babe
 for the very last time

O! Bear, O! Bear, What have you done?
What have you done?
What have you done?

O! Bear, O! Bear, What have you done?
What have you done?
with that babe of mine?

Bear starts to dance
The bear is still drunk

What have you done?
What have you done?

O! Bear, O! Bear, What have you done?
What have you done?
with that babe of mine?

I had kind of a big lunch, so I decided to take the rest of the day off.