-(Vinnie Baguette), Sir, they're here with the guy.
-(Chad NewBrunswick) What guy?
-(Vinnie Baguette) You know, the guy—the guy with the thing.
-(Chad NewBrunswick) No, which guy?
-(Vinnie Baguette) That bastard.
-(Chad NewBrunswick) Fat Bastard or the rat bastard with the simulcast?
-(Vinnie Baguette) Fat Bastard.
-(Chad NewBrunswick) Show him in.
-(Vinnie Baguette) C'mere you sonuvabitch—
-(Chad NewBrunswick) Christ, I meant help him in; he's got no eyes.
-(Vinnie Baguette) Here he is, Boss.

Enter Fat Bastard

-(Chad NewBrunswick) Where's the money from the sandwiches?
-(Fat Bastard) You didn't have to blind me, you sons of bitches.  I could get you the money—you didn't have to do that.
-(Chad NewBrunswick) I apologize; that was an oversight.
-(Fat Bastard) Mother Mary and Heaven, I can't fuckin see!
-(Chad NewBrunswick) Look, what's done is done.
-(Fat Bastard) I can't piss without running into a wall.
-(Vinnie Baguette) How do you wipe your ass?
-(Fat Bastard) Fuck you, you rat bastard!  
-(Vinnie Baguette) Watch it now! You the Fat Bastard.  
-(Chad NewBrunswick) That's enough, both of yous.  Vinnie, get the car.

Exit Vinnie

-(Chad NewBrunswick) Where's the money?
-(Fat Bastard) I can get it.
-(Chad NewBrunswick) For your eyes, I'm going to give you a week to find your way around to getting it.  You're lucky to be alive.  You're lucky it was just your eyes.  (passing Fat Bastard as he exits the room)
(Fat Bastard, sobbing) How do I get out of here?
- (Chad NewBrunswick, pauses) ...I'll send Vinnie to come get you.

Exit Chad NewBrunswick

(Fat Bastard, under his voice) ...sonuvabitch!

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