excerpts from my upcoming screenplay

(Establishing Shot)

Fade In:

-...That Fat Bastard, he's eating more sandwiches than he's selling—That's why he can't pay us.

Dissolve To:

(Ext. Street, Favor on Vinnie Baguette)

-Where is the money for the sandwiches!  ...Rat bastard.
-Fat Bastard.  His name is Fat Bastard.
-Fat Bastard.  Whatever!


-And check his wallets, too.
-Uh, sir?  He's only got one wallet.
-Well then, check that one... I'm working with idiots.  And where the fuck is Jimmy?  Has anyone seen Jimmy the Bitch?
- (Eatkhash from Boston) Have you checked the baaaaars?

Cut To
(Int. Office, Mahogany Furniture)

-Sir, we gouged his eyes out, like you said.
-What do you mean, "Gouged his eyes?"
-We gouged them out.  We took 'em out.
-They're gone?
-Both of them.
-Let me ask you something: Are you a seeing eye-dog?
-(laughs) No...why?
-How the fuck is he going to get my sandwich money if he can't see!
-But, Boss, you said—
-I meant threaten him!  You took the poor guy's eyes out.
-Oh, jeez, Boss...when you say it like that...
-Go on, get out of here.
-So you're not mad, boss?


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