Next on the Eatkhash show

--Male, 26, Some Black guy (maybe not even a black guy, courting a 15 year old girl) : Hey, are you finding what you're fitting for?
--Female, 15 year old, : I'm with my mom, she keeps poking in!
--Male, 26:  Umm yea!  Listen keep it on the down-low!
--Female,15: Yes, mi amor!  because if my dad ever found out, he would have your head on all your neighbors lamp posts!  Plus, you would have to explain yourself to people who thought they knew you.
--Male, 26: ...shit!  Yea, whatever baby, you ready for some of this "CumnGitSum?"
--Female, 16:  Plus, I'm sure at some point someone would notice your huge emongis cock! pricking out of your pants and all, every time you see me in a skirt.
--Male, 26, throbbing: That's why I'm never disappointed, little girl!

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