I have an idea for a movie.  A woman stops by a liquor store in the middle of her day to buy, I don't know, what do women drink in the middle of the day? some iced tea beverage.  She overhears a customer and a clerk talking about the powerball jackpot, and she muses cutely, telling her husband that evening,  "Honey, you might want to sit down for this..."

She looks up, some guy has a gun.  Things happen, he shoots the clerk and she tries to run.  He tries to go after her, she runs into the middle of the street pleading with cars.  Some guy tells her to get in, he drives down a block with her while she's frantic and he pulls into an alley.  

she tells him what she can, he says yea, nodding, looking around and he punches her in the face.  He looks around again, and proceeds to rape her.  

Once he's done with her body, he kills her.  That's it.

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