-Hey all, welcome to the Eatkhash show.  We're gonna open it up a little late tonight--or early.  Depending on how you see it.  With us, we have Lisa Robbins, from the Morning Show.  Hey, Lisa.
-Hello, Eatkhash, and hello All!  It's GREAT to be here this MorNING!
-(aside)Cut it out, Lisa.  It's just the three of us.  It's still dark.  Don't be so loud.  
-(aside) Oh, okay.  Sorry, I thought this was for the east coast.
-(aside) Yea, sorry, me too.  We're not on the east coast yet.    We got bumped off the morning, and we're in the middle here--as it were.
-(aside) Why, what happened?  
-(Aside, pointing) That's my EP.  Ran his mouth off during a meeting.  Eh--he's a good guy, but he got drunk during brunch.
-(Aside). Champagne and orange juice?  When are people going to learn?  Brunch is an idea, not really something tangible.    I never thought people went through, "brunch."
-(Aside) Oh yea, he went through it: in between breakfast and lunch.  Stuffed a pint of vodka in a bathroom stall.  By 2PM he was knocked out on Haliburton's carpet.  By 4, he didn't want to get up and go home: "Yea, I'll fuck ya, Mary!"  He kept arguing with someone in his sleep.
-(Aside). Who's Mary?
-(Aside) I don't know.  Who knows?
-(Aside)  He looks like he drinks a lot--
-(aside)Oh, that's just his face; he's got a fat, red face
-(Aside)-There he goes!  Was that him?
-(Aside) Was he drinking? 
-(Aside)  Yea, I think so.  Ah!  There he goes:  there goes the drumset.
-(Aside, to EP's aid) Hey...?
-(His EP, looking up, drumstick in his right nostril) This bitch is turning it into a sideshow gag.  You fucked up somewhere, prolly early, I'm guessing.
-(eatkhash to radio mic) Right back, guys...


-(Levinstein) Spring Water, No minerals, no vitamins.  International Brotha Love drinks it--So why don't you?  Guys, I'm pretty sure you lost the audience.

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