Cooking Hour with Eatkhash

So what I did was, I ran some frozen raw shrimp through cold water for 8-6 minutes. It was more like 15. While the shrimp was defrosting--the shrimp were defrosting, I diced up some broccoli, cilantro, and onions with my dicing knife. After that I emptied all the contents of my dicing plate into a medium sauce pan with too much water. I added a pinch of salt and a sprinkle of lemon pepper into the water and stirred the water with my stirring knife. I also added some ginger pepper chili sauce into the mix to give it that Oriental flavor.

In another medium sauce pan, I added a little less than 1/4 cup of quinoa and added too little water. I brought the quinoa and water to a boil, then let it simmer for about 12 minutes. I then added my shrimp to my vegetables and hoped most of the water would be gone at the end.

Meanwhile, I sliced a quarter of an avocado with my slicing knife, then continued to slice it into symmetrical shapes. I added some salt and lemon to my avocado and placed it on my plate.

At this point most of the quinoa was tender and the water was gone. So I put that on my eating plate as well. My shrimp and vegetables were boiling, but I didn't really want to wait any longer, so I just dumped out the water in the sink, with most of its flavor. Dinner was served.

I got a fancy glass, filled it with water and ice cubes.

Now my shrimp was a little bland, but an avocado seasoned right works magic with almost any dinner.

Join me tomorrow when I will be showing you how to make a Spicy Mexican Shrimp Cocktail with cucumbers and avocados for your next fiesta!

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