I walked with the Lord of Grace across his seedy concrete palace.

"Cha chong-chang! Cha china chong chang!"  Meta Peace soldiers were arguing with a donut shop owner.

"Ey, whatcha' got? Listen here, I can get that for you, I'll hook you up.  What I'm sayin, is if you put more action in where there is action, you get more action, feel me?  Now I can do that for you, I got you! But you put more, you get a lot more, is all I'm trying to say.  This here, listen, this here, it ain't much.  Now I can get it for you, but we can get a lot more, feel me?  

Listen...now hold up now.  Bitch, c'mere a minute, Bitch.  This my Bitch.  Now we get a room, got my Bitch--Bitch meet...what's your name again? Mr. Weiner?  Bitch meet Mr. Weiner.  Now we get my Bitch, hit the crib, break off some of that--but we ain't got shit!  That there ain't shit!   It's going to last us what, when we got all night.  Alls I'm sayin is, I got my Bitch, we got the crib--I'm gonna take care of you.  I got you!  So what we need to do, is you gotta add some more flow on top of that, and we get that big chunk.   Yea, that's right, a return on our investment, feel me?  It's economical.  It's business, baby.  Yea, I know you on top of that!  You can see that nice chunk--we get back to the crib, we got my Bitch.  Bitch, say hi to Mr. Weiner.  We business partners.  Now all we gotta do, is you gotta top off that flow--we get the wholesale price, and we flip that shit retail. And I tell ya what, she gonna break you off a piece tonight, and then some, feel me?  Ain't no bitch like my bitch.  Bitch say hi to Mr Weiner.  Ain't no thang--there's an ATM right there.  Yup, right there."

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