Once I got that first chocolate in me, you know, a benign mini Kat-Kat, it's only 20 calories, you figure, and half the size of a single finger—that's what I used to call them.  And—you've been working hard all day, you know... "Four fingers, I need," I used to say to my guy over the phone, so people didn't know what I was up to.  But once you get that first chocolate in you, I mean, you deserve one, you've had a—Anyway, after the first Kit Kat, you gotta get the milk, of course...and my daughter she had just become a vegan or a hipster, I don't know, but I'd be scrambling between the soy and almondmilk and my own lowfat milk... You're so busy that you forget what it even tasted like, what it really means to savor it, and you find any reason to—cause now you got the cup of milk, you know...I don't know, I'm just grateful there's a place I can go to every night.  Thank you.

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