On Thursdays, you get three chicken tacos for $2.29

It's that time again—yea that's right, Del Taco time.  Where the rich get richer, and the lonely, lonlier.  I want to say something nice to the drive-thru girl.  For example, did you know you can start a sentence with, "For example."  Ah, don't listen to him; the question mark is up his ass. Last time, I heard a cheerful voice on the intercom, then when I tried to bargain with unrealistic goals, the sweet tone of her voice didn't change.  So obviously she saw me on the camera, and she wants me to hit on her, and I'm taken, but I didn't want to ruin her night.  So when I pulled up, I gave her a moment to soak me in, in the flesh.  I tried to gaze a little beyond her, like I was searching for a star, and I hit her with, "You sound too happy, you must not have been working here long."  I realized what I had said as she got depressed filling up my diet coke, so I asked her if she was new to this country. She smiled, and said, "9 years."

I decided it was best not to open my mouth any further, but I didn't know which one was hotter, Inferno or Scorcher?  One of them was too hot.

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