No more pills!

I think someone just called me a fag from the cars driving by.  Now how the hell's he going to know what is my sexual orientation.  The guy's obviously guessing.  That's his pastime, guessing.  Now look, aside from four days of moderate weight lifting this week,  I've basically walked four miles a day for six days, and I'm just getting fatter.  It's not so much that he's a quack, or that he didn't remember me, or that he even asked me what pills I wanted, but that the sonuvebitch prescribed me three meds, all of which are known to increase appetite.  I've never gorged so much on sweets and felt great!  Every night I eat a protein bar before bed to make me full, then I wake up two hours later and sleepeat four more.  I went to a real doctor today, who said I didn't need any of them, and if I keep taking them, I'll end up a zombie when I'm 80.  He was gay; I could tell.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  But that sonuvebitch quack!  What an affront to my vanity.  I tried to tell the nurse, yo honey, my wallet's really heavy and she said she'd take off six pounds, but shit, man...

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