there was the time i turned myself in,  i didn't how else to break it•this is kinda senstive material i didn't know how else to convince him,, i tried and i tried and everything was lost in the language 12 million dollars, this is great material if only it didn't happen.  photos of me, jerking off, right there as it happened, oppositte my face these tricksters they knew at what point what sound she made that cracked me, they wormed their way in,   they had kids at the park mocking me the  first day, boz!, It was embarassing i had to laugh then the sound would come on, i sat through —No one would get kids to say boz, i just realized—i sat there watching a a clip of a first person shooter video game in my car car six times over while while the actors pulled up to to play their role role and read their script, like the actual video is too fast and looks like a video game so i figured the test is to follow along to the commentary for tactics, individualized names and numbers for weapons used, which i couldn't do even if the guys weren't egging me on and applying pressure like a choatic beautiful rhythm, her sucking dick, something happened last week  with one of their guys—it was culturally themed that day i suppose, but no time!  Each time I got frustrated and looked up, silence. Eating tacos.  They were relentlesss and brilliant or well paid.  Third or fourth time over I heard the narrorator say "it could be as simple as following along" and i was trying to memorize something like calibrations, Duh!

Where was I?  12 million dollars or my face as it happened.  The first time they used the babe angel, reunited, it was hinted, depending on completing the missions, movie producers, guess she had some wonderful people close to her—last night Fault In Our Stars I stumbled upon during playtime for background noise, I heard a few lines about how he loved her that was like my mother dying and i kept flipping channels

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