that's it?  that's the best 

go on, em dash it

(Wait till i publish this)

Say goodnight Kevin
Goodnight Kevin

i feel like ive been thonking about wrestling lately,
like i remember them saying it to me but maybe not
macho man
bret vs british bulldog sslam92 i always thought they messed up wmania 8,
it could have been—see flair kind has no place, they could have built up warrior vs. taker, macho vs. jake (thats too good too compromise) i guess hogan could still have a feud with sid, they are the same height and tights, the whole royal rumble jack tunney  i think they went the wrong direction, and i dunno, could have been great commensurate to the length of theentrance of ultimate warrior to the ring, and papa shango basically hits him in the ear,  to the ring, 

bret hart was working his way up, he would always give em a good match, hbk and rick martel, Sherri was great—unique potential slight brilliance,

play with my wrestlers i thought in bed, i remember slightly where the storylines were when i left them

i had given ahmed johnson and the gconfederate (godwin) a good push, i had just bought a steve austin figure and i had him going up against ahmed in a fee more ppvs, the rock's design  (his limited his creativity, too much taping his waist, , owen hart somehow became bruce hart when i had too many of him and bruce had a good title run, bret was already a legend from his feud with the ninja turtle and epic victory over the terminator, some years earlier, his larger modern figure was i midcarder at best to fill up the card, i forgot what his persona was

I had a new ring for the new weekly show i never got to, could have done a ppv where there were two rings in an epic stipulation

We were years ahead of the times in the 90s it was already 2014, in the closet, sometimes the living room for WM or SS,
We had a good thing going

maybe i can start it up again

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