Squad car approaches

- (ed) Officers.  Good day for a beer isn't it?
- ( Off. 1) That depends.  Let me ask you something, what do you think you're doing over here?  You doin' some loitering?  You're hovering around the pay phone—what happened, changed carriers?
 - (Off. 2, passenger)   Ted...ted..ted...ted..Ted
- (Off. 1) What, Lou?  I'm talkin' here!
- (Lou) You see that mailbox at the entrance of the Ralphs parking lot, the one that nitwit crashed into two times in the same day?
- (Ted) Yeah, that was funny.
- (ed). What happened, beer run?
- (Lou) Oh yea.  Well, some times when we're driving past and I see it, I want that mailbox to turn into a beer so that I can drink it.
- (Ted) Hmm, yea, I could see that.  
- (ed) Some days, Some days
- (Ted) You get a new pet—
- (ed) A horse
- (Ted) you're riding your pet
- (Lou) Someone's hat falls off—
- (ed) And you want that hat to turn into a beer so you can drink it.
- (Ted) I want yesterday's egg salad to turn into a beer so you can drink it—
- (Lou) That's a good egg salad, Ted.
- (ed) Some days, some—
- (Ted) I'll tell you what, some days you're driving and you get a call—
- (ed) And it's a woman?
- (Ted) And it's a woman, and you want that woman to turn into a beer so you can drink it.
- (ed) A Beer in Distress.
- (Ted) You got it, buddy.
- (Lou) Tell you what, I want the "beer" in "Beer in Distress" to turn into a beer so that I can drink it
- (Ted) mmhmm
- (ed) that's right

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