maybe i can get a word in

"If God doesn't exist, Everything is permitted"

Oh, my sweetest
you came and you gave me 
a list of random writers
that ill prolly never read
bur not because of you
but because they're not naked 

my love
my closest
this isn't my bar.  lots of beautiful women.  european.  soccer.  but where's the nihilistic desperation? 
- Check time.
- Say it ain't so!
- Or what not.
- All right boys, this is what separates the men from the crew.
- Just give me the money.
- Hold on, I'm talking to my crew.

- So what son, you gonna join ISIS or what?
- I think you take advantage of me when I m drunk.
- Hey, this guy's going to join ISIS!
- Who's going to join ISIS?
- That guy?
- Oh, false alarm guys.
- Beer's stale, Clarice
- Fuck you guys, I can, too, join ISIS.  And when I come back, I'll tell 'ya, i'm going to kill the lot of you, especially the three of you, and...and—and there will be oceans colored in blood
- He's a bit of a romantic!
- Let's pants him!

as far as fragments go
good soup
Vv v

- should I use the chapstick?
- are they chapped?
- well, they're chapping
- i understand and follow you clearly
- it's a slippery slope, once you start chapping
- A bit of a sinister trick
- yes
- is it going to melt in the car?
- yes
- The way i see it, why take a chance?
- hey, we're not ordering a hit on someone
- peasants, aren't they? 
- guy can't even pick his own nose in the privacy of an alley
- how's our brain? You still killing it with all the girls?
- self-depraved, as usual
- mothers hold your daughters
- brain damage, i'm sure of it. It adds up, i heard it on the news
- i wonder if they have soup.  i think i'll get the soup
- i'm just going to ask someone which is the better route
- Um-hmm
- they'll come i hope
- should I use the chapstick?
- are they chapped?
- well, they're chapping
- i understand and follow you clearly
- it's a slippery slope, once you start chapping
- A bit of a sinister trick
- yes
- is it going to melt in the car?
- yes
- The way i see it, why take a chance?
- hey, we're not ordering a hit on someone
- peasants, aren't they? 
- guy can't even pick his own nose in the privacy of an alley
- how's our brain? You still killing it with all the girls?
- self-depraved, as usual
- mothers hold your daughters
- brain damage, i'm sure of it. It adds up, i heard it on the news
- i wonder if they have soup.  i think i'll get the soup

the donut racket

i went back,
prince looks haggard,
tough working next to a 7-11

reminds me of all that i've missed out on.
ive stayed in one place
pride and cynicism 
You've been in my head for so long.
sounds like the title of a foreign film that
speaks to you, then you lose interest in the summary.
you're my context, my irrational tragedy.
I hated you so long,
i'm glad it was just energy.
You've been in my head for so long,
you've never had an opinion.
- Small, Medium, or Large?
- Medium, I guess.
- That's $3.26 at the second window.
- What?  That's outrageous!  I won't pay.  Well, I guess I will.
- 3.26 at the second window.
- If I give you my number, can I pay less?
- If you give me your number, you'll have to pay more.
- All right, step aside everyone, this will only take a minute. ...I'm Detective McNally, this is my partner, The Edge.  We have a couple questions if you wouldn't mind answering for us.  Okay, have you seen this man, sir?  No?  And this woman?  You're sure about that?  Okay, in that case, I'll have a Burritos Carnitas, french fries, and one of those Mango Iced Teas.
- Oh man, this guy's crying.
- Fuck you, what are you laughing at? ...where am I?  I'm hungry.
- You must know all these songs.
- Only the sad ones, ma'am

Dry scalp is not a myth, I've seen it

Didn't have time to wash my hair.  

Today's a good day.
im sick of dreaming of you
i don't deserve this
this one was way too good
I  I  had nearly 750 of Jack. had nothing in my system other than food.   Right?  So, nothing.  I'm getting nothing.  The bottle is stuffed somewhere over there somewhere.  You can come look; I wish you were here.  It was pointless. All I got was more pressure between my ears. I went Subway, ordered a chicken soup with crackers and a cup of water, sat down, and enjoyed my meal.  Nobody noticed me anymore than they would have had I not consumed the bottle.  There were no stupid jokes, no bold moves.  There were a young light skinned black guy and maybe an Indian girl, but she may have been black or middle eastern.  I'm tempted to say they both had a turkey melt, but it could have been because the poster for the "New Turkey Melt" behind me or the gym couple, who later walked in and were talking about the sandwich. The Indian girl got a loaded potato soup. I remember thinking that she got the other flavor—what, does she think she 's better than me?  She got a sandwich, too, so there's meat in there already.  I would have done that, too.  Those thoughts were seqential. Of the gym couple, I thought the Hispanic girl was pretty, and also looked familiar.  No, I didn't notice if her counterpart was of the same race.  The black boy liked to dance and listen to his music while he was with the Indian girl, while they were ordering, and while they were eating.  I think the girl may have paid for dinner, but he's no scrub cause I liked the way she was looking at him while she ate, and he danced and ate.  I had glanced to see what she looked like. She had a big nose.  Purple in her hair.  She was cute.  That couple was sitting a little behind me, somewhat next to me, but my chair and seats were higher than theirs.  To my right, in the corner, were another couple I didn't notice.  In front of me in the other high table was a solitary heavyset girl who had nothing on her table the whole time I was there, from when I walked passed her and ordered, to when I passed her to sit at the other high table.  Her table was at the center of the tables but closest to where all that ordering happens.  I wondered if she was lonely, because she didn't look very happy and didn't stare around to check out the studs nearby.  More likely, she was on the clock, and was milking every minute of her freedom—that, or she was one of the sandwich artists' stalkers.  I left before the gym couple chose their tables, or they may have got it to go, I find more.  

I also went to the pharmacy, to see if maybe there's something to relieve the pressure in my ears.  He said they were closing.  Also, that he can't recommend anything, and that I should go see my doctor.  

I said okay.  I was wondering as I exited if I should go to the hospital, just to check, but that would be embarassing and unfair to people with real emergencies.
Now I'm finally getting drowsy.  Writing helped.  I like sleep, especially if there's a dog nearby.  I haven't been sleeping much lately.

- All these people, walking and talking, buying things like they have somewhere to go.  They're so fuckin pretentious.
- Where are you?
- The supermarket.
today's my attempt at "To Professionalism!"
unfortunately people are cynical, i always think they think im going to rip them off, those sonsofbitches
im a genius! i turned pain into pleasure

check out this babamagoober

-Wake up Maggie
- Hey, I like Maggie, too.  I'm singing too, guys.
-Wake up Maggie
- Hey, I like Maggie, too.  I'm singing too, guys.
no, trust me, it's weird.  I mean, we know the truth is there—but 

very weird
im really really tired i guess

hold on, third time for the day, let's see how uncomfortable we can make this for others

i come in  with good, realistic intentions,

that my face doesn't freeze
and my brain don't melt

and that all around it's not very uncomrtable—i mean, you know, i says 

hold on, let's go
i'll you later, it's ingenius!

come fly away
come fly away

with me
to the moon

to the moon
im at by 900 now, and just keep falling, i was up to 14 maybe even 16.

it's strong, the conspriracy, the systems just aligned, eventually
i like sam smith, 
knowing me it'll probably turn unhealthy

trying to stay sane



B.  v
sorry, i'm busy, im trying to look smart. 
what am i going to do with all these fuckin pretzels—hold on, let me blog it

genius.  i mean you're just at work right now.  If  there was a prize, you wouldn't even know—oh, what am saying? forgive me, you wouldn't be aware of it. 
You're a rock star in the 80s.  Talk dirty to me, I mean, talk dirty to everyone, all of the time

I just flicked my cigarette away.  That totally got across the sidewall.  You can fuck off all you want, but you should have seen it, I got some points for that one, I'm sure of it.
pink pinpink pink blouse
I dont think it's a blouse
No, it's more like a tank top
like you would wear
—Hey I ain't wearing a tank top out in public, i ain't no brute what are you—
no that's a wife beater, it's too cold, you wish she was wearing a wife beater and everybody would be roger rabbit and cartoon hammer—get it, it's too cold for wife beatin
shiut up shut up you took the whole train out of my pink pink
pink pink sound and the spit
told by an idiot
and then wait for the moment when once you scream you won't stop screaming
she's just being coy
she's just being coy
Come back.  I'm all better now.