-Mike, how am I ever going to get auto insurance?
- What do you mean, Janelle?
- I've shopped online, and the quotes those other guys gave me are just way out of my budget.
- You looked all around, Janey?
- It's Janelle.  Yea, even the bus stop ads!
-  Well, I got a number for you.  Are you ready?  It's 1- 866-666-4020.
- But my credit is whack; my ex—
- No credit?  Bad credit?  Double 0 Negative Credit?  No Problem!
- You mean someone will give me and my broken credit a shot?
- Of course!  They got you!  866 Six Sixty-Six, 4020.
- What's that number again?
- It's 866 Six Sixty-Six, 4020.
- Mike, what's that number again?
- Bitch, you stupid!

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