- I spend too much money, Rocko.
- What? What are you talkin' about, Paulie? Spend too much money?  You spend too much money... (chuckling)
- Look at this, $6.49.  $6.49 for a freakin TV dinner.  All the other ones are $3.99.  
- What are you talkin' about, $6.99 (chuckles)...
- They must have known I was coming.  These jerks—my favorite meal.
- Let me see...  Well, there's your answer Paulie.
- What? What are you talkin' about?
- Gee, Paulie, I didn't know you were such a hipster.
- What? What are you talking about?
- Sautéed kale, mashed cauliflower, spaghetti and beetballs? It's all organic.
- So? I eat organic.
- You may drink organic, but I ain't ever seen you eat no beetballs. (chuckles)
- What are you trying to say, Rocko?  You think you're better than me?  You no-good sonuvabitch.  I'm cultured—I'll knock your teeth out.  Where were you when I found you?
- You been drinking Adrian's perfumes again?  C'mon, Paulie, you know I'm only playing with you.
- Well, some times I don't know.  I'm a bit sensitive about these things.  
- Hey, Paulie, maybe I should start eating some of these too.  I've been hit in the head so many times, the old brain ain't what it used to be, you know?
- It's good for you, Rocko.  Keep you sharp.
- Maybe I should get some for Adrian; she might get excited.
- She don't need it.  Let's go to the clearance section.
- What are you talkin' about, she don't need it, Paulie...

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