Erased a trigger. At least it's a good way of looking at things

- Did you get the Quest bar from here?
- Yea.  
- Oh it's expensive here.
- How much?
- $2.
- ...yea, okay.
- So the total is $12.95. 
 (stuffing pocketsUmhmm...
- That okay?
- Yea, whatever.  Here, you need singles right?
- It's okay.
- Ok... Wait.  Let me see my receipt. 
- Receipt?
- Ok, the diet coke and advil—that's two dollars.
- No, $2.50.
- OK fine.  The Quest...
- That's $4.50.
- Oh, the bar is $4.50?
- No, we're at $4.50.
- Oh, so we're at $4.50—okay. And then the cashews and raisins.
- Cranberries.
- How much?
- $3
- Okay.  So we're at seven.
- And then the rest.
- What rest?
- Oh, that's it?
- Why does it say $12.95 right there?
- Oh that? That's not for you.
- Right. I gave you 13 in singles; it's right there in your hand.
- Here we go, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, and 7.
- That's $5!
- Oh right, here.  Let me get you a bag, for free.
- I don't need a bag; I'm going to the movies.  That shit might work on Westwood kids, but not on me.
- Oh yea?
- That's right.
- Good.

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