Bought a new beanie today.  Seven dollars on sale—no big deal.  The first time I put it on, I thought, This isn't me.  It can't work; there's no way.  Pinche huevos, what was I thinking?  Then I noticed someone had folded the top on a similar one, so I thought, What if I fold the top, like so...Oh yea, this is me.  This I can definitely see working.

My heart wants a big fat burger.  My heart's been getting what it wants for long enough.  

...Hey, don't honk at me.  I'll buy you dinner!

My heart's gonna have to work with me.

- What's that?  Yes, it does tend to make me look stylish.... Maybe I will go snowboarding.  Sure, it's not cashmere, but I can wear it in the rain, like last Thursday night, during the flash flood when I had those nightmarish dreams... You're still not getting the burger.

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