peasant food

One of the dreams I had last night I saw an airplane fall out of the sky and then the explosion arisinfrom behind the trees.  I checked the news today and good thing I'm not a prophet.  The biggest news stories in the States today were that Diesel got in a fistfight with his son and that people couldn't play video games online because of hackers.

Bought me a baseball cap from 7-11.  $10.99?  No problem.  I have it.  What are you staring at?  Oh, right, the money.  Here.  Fuhgeddaboudit.  I can tilt it, I can wear it slightly right or full-blown left.   The possibilities are endless.  What is it? Oh, right, the line.

I leave the labels on it in case some hip cats beat me up for it, they can swap it for one with a style more suitable to their needs.

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