-There, now you can shut the fuck up.
- Did you tell them about the hidden cameras?
- No, but next time I'll bring you with me.  I Qldon't fuck with the hidden camera people.  Beides they're prolly in cahoots.  I'm used to the hidden cameras.  They want to watch me do that, I guess I can't stop them, but I'm not going to stop what I'm doing.  It's the curtains that I can't ever convince myself to trust.
- Where to now?
- Gotta put in some hours, man.
- Ah, snooze. I'm getting drunk.  Wake me up when you're at the DMV.  I wanna check out the Armenian girls.
- Oh, I'm into Chechan girls now.
- Oh?
- Have you seen their girls?
- Fuggedaboudid?
- Ah, fuggedabudit!

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