Inreaching with the Community with Kathrin Hiegel

- ...I like it when I can call myself a writer, as feels, knowing or thinking I can do whatever I want with the words
- (nodding)
- ...which is why I think I'm so inherently opposed to feminism.
- (...?)
- My father, you see?
- Yes, go ahead.
- ...You know, cunts?
-  Excuse me?
- God, I used to have to take a shit all the time!  ...that's prolly is why you became a local anchor—like all the time...mad, massive, desperate
- Ok, this guy's drunk.  (aside) Larry, I've had it with you!  I knew I shouldn't have listened to you again.  Inreaching with the Community?  You gotta be fucking kidding me!  What was I thinking listening to... You, you're fuckin fired!  No, I'm not firing you—I'm firing you! (storms out I knew I shouldn't have listened to you, what kind of name is named Larry?  Eat me, Larry.
- (empty room) Hey guys, can I sit in her car while she's in the dressing room?

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