- Ehat's that you say? Utem kez?    No, don't hold me back, no don't hold me back....she's fucking with me...or at leest some is,
- Hey, clear the asile, this guy breaks down barriers
- I'll kill the sort of them!  Utem kez, huh? (Spits)
- What are these peanuts doing here?  Get them out. He's going to call them low-brow.  Get them out, all of em, yes, honey roasted, yes—what did I just say? Call the cashew guy.
- Cashew guy's not going to like that.
- another voice (I heard this guy writes poetry about slumber)
- Fuck the cashew guy—call the cashew guy.
- I'll kill the lot of them!  I'll kill all sorts of them
- How's he on chapstick?
-That's good initiative Ralph—Bruce, whatever.
- I've killed a million people.  I'm killing you right now.
- Oh man, he's ser.
- (turns around) Let me tell you something...
- Oh no, he's dangerous 
- Oh no
- Boob.
- He might be getting drowsy
- Let me tell you something,     I eat.  And you get eaten.
- Don't do it, man.  You're too hardcore.
- ...Cause you're so fuckin delicious.
- He did it. He fuckin did it.  I hate him!  I hate him again.  Guy broke out into dance. Cancel the cashews.
- Cashew guy's not going to like that.
- Fuck the cashew guy—cancel the cashews.

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