Oh yea, can't forget the Burberry

The last phase is when I sit back with that dumb-founded dishievld face, and this time soak in all the truths that are clear to me now, that they have always been there.  All the examples fly through my head, I don't nod,  cause I'm dumb-founded, remember?  I bask in it like I'm under the sun, and I agree like a slow witted giant farmboy  when his brother chides him for scratching his penis in public.
My perfsonal failures.  Not my actions, not regret, not even humorous cyncism to quash that insect bite—that's sober talk.

But more down to the level of an essence, like my Goodness, if you will.  Oh, that was a convient typo—I meant Godness. Okay, let's not get off scattered and some of us in digressions.  Okay, guys, here's the plan—bring it in... we gotta beat Valley next week.  I'm naked right now, you know?  I don't feel so—Shut up, shut up!  I got it! (I gotta finish this shit before work.  I've lost time, days and nights, lost time for like weeks, it seems like,, still I'm always in a hurry...

-Lost what, Coch?  It ain't like you lost anything that was yours to begin with.
-(What?  What he say—stupid kid?)  Well if want to get possessivve about it.  Wait!  Hold him.  Did you mean time or the things I'm saying in my head?  Okay, Shut up!  I got it.  It's so simple you eeghead footballers wouldn't have come up with it—well, except for maybe, Hesel, our last quarterback who decided he wanted to study some professor's neuroscience books and produce R&B hits with a clothing line—is that even doable?  What was he thinking, right?
-((quarterback)  Gee, I don't know, coach—I mean, you're flailing around all over the place....I'd just as soon go about my business.
- Yea but quarterbacks get pussy, right?  I mean, you ever hear of a quarterback who could throw but was a bit abrasive on the other field.
-(qb) ...
- Right, right.  Don't mind me, it's the aging—the muscle's a brain, too, you know?  It's the biggest one—well.... Am I right or am I right?  Wield it with care, gents.  Course these days, sometimes I think the kids in AV club have more cheerleaders... Well, good talk, guys.  I want to see some hustle out there!

- (Over to his Asst. Couch) ...Well, I feel pretty good about this.
-(asst. Coch) I told you not to talk to me unless the Superintendent or them kids were around to hear.  Once it comes out, your foot fetish or whatever you have, I'll—
(Coach) Wait, shut up! I got it....Godness was not mean to be ironic.  It was like that intangible thing that makes my essnce, mine, ours...
- (asst. )  Don't go comparing us.  I don't whisper to the human heads in my fridge at nights.
-(You see it uses objective reasoning with clear cut examples,—and sometimes it'll reveal things like correlations  in  behavior patterns of something recent from something brushed off before.  Did that sentences make any sentences,, I feel like I lost it all.
- (asst.)  Will you shut up!
- Look, I can't do this right now. I have to go.  There are things I must do.  I appreciate your help.  I have to leave now.  I have to go.

I didn't get to the part where Iin my sordid ratlike existence found myself sad, .bemused and summing  up this random Glendale girl based on her profile and picture captions after I stumbled upon her comments to a Glendale man's picture.  Oh, his picture was a Brabus, and his captions would advertise cars for lease.  It was n't funny at the moment, it was all poignant, me looking in

i do the same shit they do

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