Some guys walk so uber
when there's a woman next to him
—why do people insist on stupifying their cars to sound like single engine model airplanes from the 70s or 1940/? It hurts my head all the way down the street before I can think

-What's that? 
-What, what?  Is there a thread on my strand of hair? A spot, for instance, on my countenance? —It's been battled hard.  Well, shit, is my fly unplugged?
- No, you loon.  That!
- Oh, that's a woman.
- Just as I surmised...I've heard about those.  Are those real or is it doll hair?
- As far as I know, it's what she's told me.
- Yea, what with the APR...
- Yea, exactly!
-Yea, exactly!  That 's what I was going to say.  What, with the hurricane in China and the interest rates on doll strands...
- Human hair for now, but I love her.  She can do whatever she wants with her hair.
- Oh, that's cute. Did you get her on sale at the CVS?
-, I didn't.
- Oh.  I thought they might have them on that rack by the the pharmacy.  Sometimes there's expired batteries and diet water drinks, halloween and seasonal decorations that fell to the floor and got lost in their inventory, you know—you know, some of those batteries are stolen?
- Oh no, it wasn't like that.
- What was it like?
- Kind of like laughing or breathing, now that I think about it.  You know it happened so naturally, I forget what it was like.
- Organic, huh? (mummbles)  Oh, that shit is right
- Hey, watch your mouth!
- Oh, no, you misheard me...sort of or something
- Brother, I'm about to lay you out!
- Oh no! are in a dream, ghosts, goblins and ghouls, your grandma making you cornbread, you are getting sleepy, so sleep...
- Knock it out, I know it's you.

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