Well, troops, this is it.  Men, this is it: the last of our ration.  I—We—knew it would come to this.   Like all good sex comes to an end.
-Except with that romantic who went AWOL.
- Shut it, Malcapurcus.  We knew this time would come, with all the mayhem.  And I have decided we will not be sending for more.  I have assessed the situation...and that is my decision.
-Don't call me that.
-What if Charlie—
-(troops in unison) The cum monger!
-(impatiently). You know, this is why...(rolls over his tongue)...this is why, because you guys always embarrass me!
-Oh, come on, Chief!
- (under the previous voice) Yea, come on, Guy!
- I told you not to call me that...and we have beers...
-(Guy) ...Sapporros
-(voices)The Japs!
-(voices) Look at 'em.  They look scared.
-(astute sniperman) Sir, I respect in presuming that this is not an economical decision?
-(Barney Gumble) What if the Chaplin's want to drink us under the table!  Between this beer, and the next beer, and the beer in Mage's carhole, there's only one six pack left!
-I resoect your astuteness...not yours Gumble.

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