I had this funny dream wherein I left my truck running during work cause I didn't want to blow in the breathalyzer again to run back in and ask this man something I forgot to ask, but this lady was taking her time ordering her health smoothie and I had to be patient.  And in line looking out the window, I noticed a blonde woman with a big braided ponytail was in my truck backing it up and I thought oh that's nice she's backing it up for me and—but she's backing it up pretty far, and then really fast!  She made a sharp back turn to straighten up at the end of the parking lot and turned into the street.  And I realized she was stealing my truck.  So I ran out and me and this other lady, who also acknowledged that I think she stole your truck, we ran into the middle of the street to try to stop her before she could hop on the freeway.  It was that busy street that leads into Hollywood, and we stopped one truck that was a bigger truck but it wasn't the truck and she was behind that truck and before we could get to her she made a manuever onto this grassy knoll next to all the cars—and I was on this same little field of grass drunk aside all the traffic a few weeks ago trying to stand up a few times but falling down and curling up and it was pretty embarrassing but I thought I looked good—and from there she just jumped the truck onto the freeway ramp and took off.

I called 911 and it rang about 13 times and I heard a voice say they never pick up anymore these days and there was a voice mail.  That may have happened another time but the next time a man picked up and I told him but I could barely hear him so I repeated it and I guess he could barely hear me and he said, You need to get back in your car and start it up.  

And My voice gradually rose to the irrational wave of attitude, I can't do that because my car was just stolen!  

Oh!  He said, then I couldn't hear his next instructions again, so I told him.

And he said, you need to hang up and try back another time.  And I looked around frustrated and I went a bit crazy and wanted to blame it on the line and the health conscious customer.

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