I had this funny dream wherein I left my truck running during work cause I didn't want to blow in the breathalyzer again to run back in and ask this man something I forgot to ask, but this lady was taking her time ordering her health smoothie and I had to be patient.  And in line looking out the window, I noticed a blonde woman with a big braided ponytail was in my truck backing it up and I thought oh that's nice she's backing it up for me and—but she's backing it up pretty far, and then really fast!  She made a sharp back turn to straighten up at the end of the parking lot and turned into the street.  And I realized she was stealing my truck.  So I ran out and me and this other lady, who also acknowledged that I think she stole your truck, we ran into the middle of the street to try to stop her before she could hop on the freeway.  It was that busy street that leads into Hollywood, and we stopped one truck that was a bigger truck but it wasn't the truck and she was behind that truck and before we could get to her she made a manuever onto this grassy knoll next to all the cars—and I was on this same little field of grass drunk aside all the traffic a few weeks ago trying to stand up a few times but falling down and curling up and it was pretty embarrassing but I thought I looked good—and from there she just jumped the truck onto the freeway ramp and took off.

I called 911 and it rang about 13 times and I heard a voice say they never pick up anymore these days and there was a voice mail.  That may have happened another time but the next time a man picked up and I told him but I could barely hear him so I repeated it and I guess he could barely hear me and he said, You need to get back in your car and start it up.  

And My voice gradually rose to the irrational wave of attitude, I can't do that because my car was just stolen!  

Oh!  He said, then I couldn't hear his next instructions again, so I told him.

And he said, you need to hang up and try back another time.  And I looked around frustrated and I went a bit crazy and wanted to blame it on the line and the health conscious customer.
I'm afraid of falling in the ocean.
It's a world I can't adapt to.
The ocean's bigger than our world.
Yea well, at least we got medicine, online shopping, science,
and strip clubs.  Stupid fish.
What are you talking about?  Fish have it easy.
They just find a mate and mount her.
You know, most sea creatures would be rapists in our jails.
Rampant rapists.
Don't you ever say anything serious?
Um, no!

The Republicans would want to deport them.
someone over here is the king of the little people 
living in a city in a field that's been crushed by your footprints (shoeprints?)

we are small
but we have gotten together
what remains of our people
and we have decided

a peep you'll hear
you will hear peeps from us
we have decided that we miss you

we like it when you yawn
You! gigantic lady full of heart
we will swarm all over you
like flowers full of glee,
our crazy love

thoughts of the day

- next year, I'm switching my fuckin allegiance to Rayo Vallecano

- She drives me so crazy that I kind of like it, even the bad and insecure parts.  It's like, I just...I just...I just want to put her in the trunk of my car and then open it up and say scooch over baby,I'm coming in, too.  Sweetheart, we should look into fetishes where we ask random strangers to drive around while we have sex in the trunk of their car.

- Joey, baby, I'm not angry anymore

- Why?  Because I know what guys look at—I haven't seen a woman's face my whole life.

- it took all these years drinking to realize, that without love in me, i'm not much good to anyone

I am crazy about you.  There's no way about it.  Might as well embrace it.  Upon awakening, for a few moments, I have trouble distinguishing dreams from reality, and it feels wonderful and hopeful.
Not enough hours in the day to hide from responsibilities. Boy in a man's body.

Every couple holding hands.  That's her with someone else.  Every smile not meant for me.

What if I was blind?  I would wake up sometimes and panic, cry until I was tired, then fall asleep.

hope it's just anxiety and not impending doom
I looked around his room; I didn't see the Sega Genesis.  Curtains were hiding the sun but you could see dust floating through the air.  There was a dank smell about the room, like he had been sweating all night.

"Do you want to read comic books?"  I asked.


He didn't speak for a while and stared at me.  His eyes were as big as his head, as big as his fat neck.

He sat upright in his chair with an arm trying to grasp each knee.  His lips seemed like they were about to burst; I could hear him breathing.  I was standing opposite him a few feet away, but he was towering over me.

"Do you like magazines?"

"What kind of magazines?"  I replied.

"Well, you can choose from any of these," he said, trying to force a smile while struggling to breathe.  He showed me a paper with magazine covers of men without their shirt on; his hands were shaking.  Some pictures had faces of women smiling.  "You can pick 4 of these—"

I ran out of there before he could finish—out of his attic, past his grandmother's room and out the door.  That 40-year old bastard was trying to sell me subscriptions to Health & Fitness magazines so he could win a trip to Italy.

Haven't had this good a night's sleep—albeit a bit peculiar and disjointed—all week.  Such a quirky slumber, that I awoke bemused and for a moment forgot that a few hours ago in drowsy stupor, I forgot my ashtray and while having a cigarette on the toilet, the John, if you will, and trying to ash in it, I slightly burned my, well, how should I put this...the cause of all wars between women.

Aloe vera and a soft fabric for today.
I can't get my diet rolling again.  No matter how hard I try, how disciplined I am throughout the day, opting for the wise selections and guarding against impulse moves.  At nights I'm vulnerable and inevitably doomed.  It all comes crashing down: The thing with food, is that it's comforting, and lulls you to sleep. There's a certain freedom in giving in, with a sick pleasure in the punishment.

Eat it, you fat cow...
-It would probably help if you took a shower.
-Fuck you, I'm an artist—I only do tune-ups.
-Transients living at truck stops do tune-ups.
addiction is a monster cunning
that i will sortly like to try to reclaim
and climb to you

because i love!
i am here!

i am here
and i hurt
also, i love you

so there's that, too


then create a sea for your sea monster
swim freely, think
hap hazard

the water's clearly
not able to pretend

Open for business.
backstock's empty,
most items are stale—
but hey...

Joe doesn't work here anymore.
Joe's gone home.
Said he was going to break his ego.
We all said a prayer for him.
Turns out he was drunk again at home.

He's an oasis, my wife Debbie liked to say.
He wasn't too good about arriving on time.

It's nice to think
I taught him things,
but I know I didn't—
he's too unteachable.

Spent too much time thinking about his brain, that's his problem—
he gave away precious Genoa salami.

A customer complained.
He wrote on the paper for a half-pound veal,
"A maelstrom," and gave it to her.
My wife thought it was cute.