Ok, so I bought a Batman t-shirt a few months back as a tribute to my blog and a drunken theme i saw popping up in a couple things times back.  Right, so lots of people buy Batman t-shirts, I assume because they are fans of the comic or movies, or they think they are bats. For me, when I wore it, it was my cape giddy.

At work, I was walking out of a place and a guy goes, Dude—I think he said dude—love that!  I blushed but may have smirked like why would you love a shirt?  When I walked back in, he was still there, like maybe he was waiting, and said, Not being sarcastic, I'm a big fan.  And me, the legendary wit that I am laughed like a schmuck while I realized—

He got me.  That fuckin hipster bozo got me.  

A fuckin hipster bozo got me.  

Did he just not see me open the door for a lady and nod humbly?  Still, he was there waiting.

I should have said,

"Hey, Fuckface.  Don't use me for your personal triumph.  What are you, gonna go use it on your blog?  Loser."

I should have beat him physically.  I should have put my hands on his skin and cried like an animal in an insane asylum.

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