A pimp treating his hookers to Chinese

- (on the phone) ...Bitch, if it itches, I'm gonna scratch it.  Yea, whatever.  Yea, on Tuesday. (hangs up)
- (Girl 1) Who that?
- That ain't none of your business.
- (Girl 2) It was his dermatologist.
- Don't go getting in my business.  Acting like you know things and shit... And what you doing?  Girl, you better get in on that egg flower soup.
- (Girl 2)  I'm writing a poem.
- A poem?  Phssh, let me see that shit.

     Are you loved, daddy?
    Is your heart fully full?
    Can I, maybe baby
    still worm my way
    back into your soul?
   ...Shit, you a modern day DMX.
- (Girl 1) DMX is modern, stupid.  
- Girl, don't you be gettin' familiar. I'll hammer yo face in that soup, you hear me?  You'll ride the lightning back out on your ass.
- (Girl 1) Sorry, daddy. 
- Hand me that hot sauce.  And none for you—I don't need you stinking up your date.
- (Girl 2) Shit, they be stinkin' already.
- (Girl 1) Uh-huh.
- Irregardless; I need you hos on your best behavior tonight.  I'm putting my name out there for you. (picking the peanuts out of his kung pao)  Need you to be like Pretty Woman—whatcha' giggling about?  (to Girl 1) What's she going on about?
- (Girl 1) Don't know, daddy.
- (Girl 2) That ain't a word.
- What ain't?
- (Girl 2) Irregardless.
- Huh?
- (Girl 2) It's regardless.
- Whatcha' mean?
(Girl 2) You're supposed to say, regardless; not irregardless.
- Say what?
- (Girl 1) 
It's true; one of my clients is a high school lingustics professor.
(Girl 2, giggly) He bi-lingual.
- Bitch, what the fuck do a linguistics teacher know about wordology? 
- (Girl 1
Well, he still be all educated and shit.
- And he be giving you grammar lessons on my dollar?  Nah, see II ain't about to be given no lectures by a flimsy-ass poet and one teacher's pet.  Here's what your poems should say:

   I want my money.
   Where is my money?
   Don't make daddy angry,
   C'mon, daddy, pay me.

You see that play on words, bitches?  Ohhh, pay me!  Let me tell you a couple of two things: you better be jotting them thoughts down on your own damn time, feel me?  You want to be a busy beaver, you do that shit on your own time.  (to Girl 1) And you ain't got no clients.  Clients...Shit, my dick wants to laugh. Those my clients, and that my beaver.  I
 mean, it's good for beavers to be busy, ha-ha, ya' her?  All right, we good; I ain't paying for y'all to get fat.  Let's go before China-Chang get back. Yo, grab that fortune cookie.

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