What is the difference
if there is only local indifference?

See this here space?
This this here space?
This is where it used to be.

There's people in their cars, waiting
lot of eggs to be cracked--

And what do we do with the shells?
We throw them down the gutter
with our lit cigarettes into the dried leaves,
because we wear bandanas now! and 
carry crevices in our worn faces .

You see what I'm trying to say?
That people look at us now.

We have schoolgirls making bird's milk in factories,
all the lights have turned green;
the President thinks he's above the Unions,
and the Unions are usually pro-wrestling.
I'll tell ya, Howard Magnella must be turning over in his grave;
and his brother, Rocco Morengo, isn't doing his legacy any favors.

Our peasants still lick their index fingers
while the rest of the Provinces use gate-ways and soft-shares.
And to what do the Proequitarians ascribe the recent Northern Mudslides?
A mild shift--It makes me sick! to even think about it
Where is my smoking jacket? It's getting gray here in the evenings.

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