The sky was nice, blue all around and the clouds like friendly cotton--

Friendly cotton?  What the fluff?

Look, it was near evening, and the weather was pleasant, nearer to warm than to...chilly?

The weather was nice, so I decided to walk.  I was going to hop on the bus, but I decided to walk.  I would catch up with the route at a later stop, as the day was mild enough for a brisk...constitutional!  I felt good.  I was strolling.  I had one hand in my pocket, and the other swinging comfortably--it was not a strut.  A nice, calm, serene stroll--and the idea of the bus and its city atmosphere grew less appealing to me until it was less than appealing

I stayed on my path and sang Sanjay's polka, stopping once in a while to stretch my legs if I felt a slight strain.  I was passing a gym and pondered that if I go out to eat with an acquaintance and can't find a healthy option, there is a quick push-up exercise one can do while waiting for the make things a little worthwhile.  In a small space away from the table, one can stand and go down for one push-up, then get up and go back down for two push-ups; then one would again get back up and go down for 1-2-3 push-ups, and so on and so forth.  This challenging exercise can put some of the forthcoming protein to use--eating for a purpose, as it were.  Of course, it will look a little strange in a crowded or uptight environment.

I passed by a park where some guys were playing flag football, a couple girls were in yoga positions, and there was a game of amateur field hockey in progress.  I approached the rink and took a seat in the stands.   I watched the game for a short time; some friends and family of players were also in attendance.  A few boys without uniforms were roller-blading outside the rink, and the whole scene strangely reminded me of flies.  I moved my head around to follow the puck and at some point, I decided I wanted the Red team to beat the Blue team.  I had to leave after about 10 minutes to get to my destination in time, and hoped the players would not get offended by my leaving.  Before I moved, I realized that was a neurotic thought, and that I was self-absorbed.  I wanted to get on the field and tell the guys, "Guys, I gotta go."  I wanted to bring the referee in on the huddle and turn to the Blue team and motion to them using my wristwatch.  I noticed other spectators leaving to use the facilities, then returning, and I used that as my move.

And then--well, and then I walked till I got somewhere else.  At that point, I sat down.  The end. 

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