Now you try one!

chocolate-cheese burgers
in my dreams
ooey-gooey toad
little girl
(banana peel)

boys and toes
incense by the rain
ran away
the garden dew

southern humid 
feel me

cream and onions

meet the French
by the river
fill their pants 

with soup

collect a sword
Colossus rode
wondered more
old and on
"Where the hell?

Wha' the Myth?

she took the fif
she play no more
she took the meal
and played the wheel
The Ancient Wonders
what, with their winders 
roared and bound and gagged her

she grew up strong
she ate her mom
raped my son, everyone!
the trifles

like driblets on the battlefield

ew! crumbles the 
c  o
  k i


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