I ordered the Simpsons Season 1-6 DVDs last weekend.  Got it today.    Two of the Seasons are brand new.  the rest are used but still in good condition. I paid $66.  It's a steal!  You gotta figure each Season will set you back 30 bucks retail..do the math on your fingers, you'll see.  Did you do it?


 3 6 9 12 15 18

that's 6 fingers equals 180.  

That's 27 Big Macs, or the number of minutes a person in China has to work minimum wage to afford 1 Big Mac.

That's 1 white guy (Lenny), and 1 black guy (Carl)

 The nice guy also threw in the Simpsons Movie, which you couldn't even pay me to watch again, but it's still a nice gesture.

I'm very excited.  Nevermind that I've seen every episode about 20 times throughout the years, at least the ones from the golden years.  I'm going to start in order.

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