I decided to nibble on some crispy bread and feta cheese with my tea after dinner.  I ended up eating the whole fuckin loaf with various types of creamy cheese spreads, and a boatload of pecans and macadamia nuts.  This tells me that I should be eating more daily to avoid leaving myself vulnerable to such impulsivity.  The plan is now to get in some cardio before bedtime, to be at ease, as neurotic as that may sound.  But fuck, it's Friday night--if that's my only vice for the night, then I'm at least doing all right.

For dinner I had a bland salad standing up.  That was not very filling or fulfilling, and I hold that accountable as an inappropriate choice.  I should have went with my instinct.  I asked the girl which one's better? and she said that one's very popular.  I should have opted for the former.  Fuckin salad.

I also missed a court date.

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