- Khash, get in here.
-(EatKhash, finishing his conversation with the guys as he enters the office) ...Hey, count me in for poker, I'm always the big winner.   What's up, Captain?
- You get that blonde last night?
- Yes, sir.
- Good work, Detective.
- Thank you, Captain.
- Park your ass... Word is there's a shipment coming in tonight at the dock.  Macedonians.  Serbs, maybe.
- What's the source?
- C.I. 
- Is it reliable?
- It's Confidential.  Cribs,  toy chests, plastic playhouses.  Those things are hot items in the black market this time a year.  Every Slav in the city is going to be selling them out the trunk of his Moskvitch.
- Oh boy.  My kids would love those. 
- Need you the stake it out till you see some activity.
- Why me, sir?
- Because I don't like you.
- Sir?
- Just jerking you around.  You're the most qualified, Detective.  And frankly, you're the best I got, Khash.
- (bantering) Well, some things are for certain, Sir.  Don't worry, if I see some Bosniak carrying a crib, I'll shoot him dead.
- You do that.  And Khash?
- Sir, I haven't forgot about Christmas presents for your children from previous marriages.
- Sonuvabitch! Get the hell out of my office.  

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