- (Man enters with bruises on his face) Honey?
- (His wife, appalled) Baby...you promised!
- (lowers his head as he hangs his hat) I know.
- How many more nights must I see you like this?  How many more nights until you completely shatter my world?
- I got to his bodyguards.
- (quietly, verging on bursting) Oh, why do you do this to yourself?
- Soon there won't be much of a circle to protect him.
- (exasperated) He'll just get more bodyguards.  Oh, don't you understand?  You do not mess with Chad NewBrunswick! 
- (shoves the coatrack to the floor) Oh, what are you, his tomato now?
- (quietly with tears) It's a fight you can't win.
- I'm sorry, baby.  I'm in too deep.  I'm in it for the long haul, now.  It's at my doorstep. There comes a time, my dear, when a Man--
- Oh, will you shut up! (sobbing as she runs into the bedroom) You and your damn movies!

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