I'm starting to see a pattern here.  The cravings come on strong when I'm stressed or tired and irritable.  That's when the images start popping up.  There is one thing I could do to make it go away for a while--but that's essentially the first step down.  So I'm not really sure what to do.  Seems like the best option is to stay miserable until it passes.  Sometimes I'm too tired to snap out of it, so I try my best not to indulge the thoughts, and turn my head away from external stimuli.  At times I find I have to remind myself.

Some mornings, my dreams haunt me for a few minutes, but I'm generally eager to start my day.  I try not to be too giddy, because each day is naturally unpredictable.  I think it's safer not to expect too much, but to be mentally assertive when some sort of anxiety approaches. I mean, I don't have to be a bull, nor be a nervous, wound-up wretch.

Some people I've encountered have a placid disposition, a tranquility in their tone and thoughts, that strangely would arouse some kind of ugly disdain in me--probably functioning as a mechanism for envy, my envy.  I'd want to walk up to them and say, Who the hell do you think you are?  What's your game, friend? 

I'd like to shed some of what I got and get a piece of that.  

Ah!  I just realized: I woke up at 6AM today because of a couple of the same sort of dream; and if I combine that with lack of sleep, some stress, a disruption to my diet, and general melancholy--that should account for today's hyper sensitivity.  Got it.

Writing helps.

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