- How can I help you?
- You certainly can...wait, what?
- Can I help you with something?
- Um, yes.  I want to return this showerhead.
- Which showerhead?
- This here showerhead.
- What's wrong with it.
- It's too powerful.  It fell on my neck and injured me.
- It fell on your neck?
- Yes!  I was eating my Egg McMuffin and showering, and it fell on me.  I had to visit the hospital room.
- You shouldn't eat and shower.
- Hey, don't tread on me; this is America.
- I remember you...You came in here two days ago, trying to return it--I know that cast is not real.
- Wait, what?
- You said you wanted to return it because you accidentally gave yourself an enema two nights in a row.
- No.
- Yea, you said it was too powerful.  We all had a good laugh about it.  Obviously, we can't take it back.
- Who, them?  (turns his head to the patrons and employees) Whach'a laughin aboot?  Speak, Canadian Jamaica!

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